Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)

  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man — Save / SaveGame (Completed all races, battles, events, found all tokens)
Author: serj0110
Size: 2.92 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: November 26, 2017, 12:08 AM
Downloads: 625

The other day I remembered about the game and decided to play, but I forgot what a mess it was with all these races, tokens, battles and city events.

Since I can’t find a suitable save anywhere, I’m posting mine, I think many people wanted to play without any problems.

There are three saves in the archive, all of them have the last completed mission with a rhinoceros (I didn’t plan to do that)

Save0 - completed all the races and battles (although some sources write 48 battles, I write that there are no more battles), collected tokens along the way, city events along the way.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение / SaveGame (Пройдены все гонки, бои, события, найдены все жетоны)

На днях вспомнил про игру, и решился поиграть, но забыл какой там геморой с этими гонками, жетонами, боями и городскими событиями.

Так как ни где не могу найти подходящее сохранение, выкладываю своё, думаю многим хотелось поиграть без всяких проблем.

В архиве есть три сохранения, у всех последняя пройденная миссия с носорогом(не планировал таким заниматься)

Save0 — пройдены все гонки и бои (хотя в некоторых источниках пишут 48 боёв, у меня пишет что боёв больше нету), жетоны собирал по пути, городские события по пути.

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