Depth of Field Disable

  • Until Dawn Remake — Depth of Field Disable
  • otkljuchenie-glubiny-rezkosti_1729045381_841578.rar
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Author: Fahad
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Date: October 16, 2024, 05:23 AM
Downloads: 25

This mod allows you to disable depth of field.

How to launch:

  1. Open "Run" by pressing Win+R on your keyboard, then type: OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Bates\Saved\Config\Windows;
  2. Hit Enter;
  3. Now extract the mod to this location (overwrite the Engine.ini file when asked);
  4. Or you can open this folder (Windows) located in this path (Documents\My Games\Bates\Saved\Config\Windows) and extract the file there, overwriting the Engine.ini file when asked.

Useful links:

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