Trainer (+17) [0.148.7]
Author: peizhaochen Edition: Steam Game Version: Last Trainer Language: Chinese Number of Functions: 17 Trainer Creation Date: 04/09/2021 Functions: F1+1 Unlimited stamina F1+2 Durability does not decrease F1+3 Improve your skills quickly F1+4 Pro ...
Creature level and loot control

Creature Level and Loot Control. Allows you to control the level of creatures and loot. Features: - Highly customizable, everything can be turned off and customized to your liking - Creatures can spawn with 5 stars (maximum for custom difficulty) ...
Console Tweaks - console settings

Console Tweaks. Implements simple autocomplete for console commands and item names, and also enables cheats by default. Features: - It enables auto-completion for commands. Auto-completion of commands also works with SkToolbox commands (can be dis ...
Character Editor - character editor

Loki - Character Editor. It allows you to customize existing characters, including: appearance, skills, inventory and much more. Has a built-in backup and recovery system. Features: - Detects game characters for easy selection - Change character n ...
Better Continents - Better continents

Better Continents. This mod provides tools to both improve the game's standard heightmap generation and redefine aspects of it with hand-crafted height and biome maps taken from images. Functions: - Change the global scale - change the size of the ...
Valheim Unstripped DLLs - libraries for modding

Valheim Unstripped DLLs. Unlimited DLLs required for Valheim modding to work.
Drop That - setting up loot tables

Drop That. A tool for setting up mob loot tables. Allows you to configure, delete or add any mob to the drop. Functions: - Override any existing potential mob drop by specifying the index (0 based) of the item you want to change. - Add as many ad ...
Customizing Bones

BoneMod. This is a mod that allows you to customize your character's bones by changing their scale using chat commands. This mod works in multiplayer mode and will save your character settings, even automatically reapplying them when you log in again ...
Weather change

WeatherTool. Change the weather to whatever you like! Console command: /env list: List all the environments you can configure with /env reset: Reset the game environment system to normal levels
Custom Meshes - custom meshes

Custom Meshes. Allows you to replace object meshes with imported model files. Step one: create a folder with the name of what you are replacing. For example, to replace wooden chest meshes, create a subfolder in BepInEx/plugins/CustomMeshes named: ...
Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 03/17/2021]
God Mode Fly/Fly No Camera Shake Unlimited Stamina/Unlimited Stamina Unlimited Carry Weight Max Carry Weight = 9999/Maximum Carry Weight = 9999 Draw Bow Immediately/Draw the bow immediately Stealth Mode Instant Increase Skills Jump Height = 20/Jump h ...
Skill Injector - new skills

Skill Injector. Easily introduces new skills for mod authors. Handles adding to the list and both cheating options (Raise / Reset). Allows you to engage in gaining experience and actually applying effects. You will need to select a unique number for ...
Recipe management

OpenDatabase. Modify items and recipes using json files. Installation: 1 Download and extract the latest version of OpenDatabase to your BepInEx plugins folder (usually Valheim/BepInEx/plugins). 2 Now launch Valheim and join the world. After that ...
Grass Settings

Grass Tweaks. Allows you to adjust grass settings to increase FPS or improve visual aesthetics. Setting: Scale - minimum and maximum multipliers to increase or decrease the size or simply increase the size variation Amount - to increase or decreas ...
Exhaustion - stamina plugin

Exhaustion - A Stamina Plugin. A highly customizable plugin designed to make stamina management more fun, among various other changes to make gameplay, especially combat, more interesting. Features: - Change base values such as health, stamina ( ...