Kaer Morhen fortress (with teleport from respawn point)

Recreated part of the Kaer Morhen fortress as revenge on the author of this publication . I am not a construction master, but I was not too lazy to dig up half of the rock in order to copy the courtyard of the fortress. The game allows you to comp ...
Several new worlds
Chaoss Builds. Several worlds with many types of buildings. The first oldest (1 year or more) world called Chaoss is my world from the time when I played on my server with friends, you will find here some basic buildings from the regular game and f ...
Finished island
Prepared Island on a good seed. Just a prepared island. The author flew straight to the island and terraformed it into what you see in the screenshot + a portal on the island and one next to the starting circle. The garden is flat, be careful if you ...
Huge pyramids
Huge Pyramids. The portal is installed at the spawn point. Thanks to him, you will be able to move on to the planned construction of the pyramid. The Great Pyramid has one side measuring 230 meters. Installation in this path C:/Users/User Name/AppDat ...
Improved saving
Save System Additions. Some additions to the save system. I can't say anything about working on servers because I only like single player. I tried to make minimal changes. - Always maintain the player's position - Console command saveall