Improved Scuba Diving

uses Valheim's built-in keyboard bindings and also works with custom bindings and gamepads; While swimming, press the crouch button to turn on the dive mode; Dive mode can be canceled by pressing the squat button again; When dive mode is on, ...
Unlimited teleportations

Adds a belt that increases the weight of a wearable item and allows unlimited teleportation through portals. 250 weight of carried load; unlimited movement through portals. Recipe: (Craftsman's Table) 1 - Megingjord 1 — Torn spirit ...

2 backpack styles that provide additional storage space when used on a shoulder strap. each backpack has its own separate inventory; storing items in a backpack reduces their weight by 50% by default (configurable). How to run: unpack ...
Automatic fuel

Automatic Fuel. Fills furnaces and smelters with items from chests or from the ground. The configuration has two prevention lists: FuelDisallowTypes - Indicates the types of consumables such as wood and coal that are prohibited (does not apply to fu ...

The Fisher. Adds 37 new fish species, 7 starfish and 1 crab to the fishing system. Corals will appear in the Grasslands, Plains and Ocean, these corals will contain fish, you can use a standard Valheim fishing rod and for each coral found, a marker w ...
Portal stations

Portal Stations. Adds portal stations and a personal teleportation device that allow users to quickly travel between locations. Portal stations Portal stations are capable of teleporting players from any station to all others. However, their cons ...
Building your own ship

ValheimRAFT. Allows you to build your own ship. It adds a new raft with building tiles that you can attach as many as you want to!. Other new elements, including sails from three ships (Raft, Carve, Longship) and climbable ladders, have also been add ...
Player scaling

Player Scaling. Allows administrators to change the size of each player. Must be installed on all clients and server. Adds a new console command scale_player [player] [scale or x,y,z] [offset from ground].
Fire without smoke

No Smoke Stay Lit. Make your fire sources smokeless (Fire Pit and Hearth). Keeps them burning without fuel. Now with ServerSync.
Peaceful mode

Peaceful Mode. There are no battles, creatures can be robbed by interacting. Install on all clients and server. Functions: - Creatures do not attack the player or each other. - Players cannot attack creatures. - Players do not receive any damage ...
Easy and fast sorting

Quick Stack. The mod allows you to press one key (` by default) to sort items that are stacked (various resources) into an open container.
Using equipment in the water

Use Equipment in Water. The mod simply allows you to use your equipment and tools while in the water.
Automatic fuel use

Auto Fuel. The mod allows you to use fuel on an automatic basis. It is enough to place the necessary resources in a container or on the ground within a radius of 10 meters, and the sources that consume this fuel will automatically replenish their re ...
Epic loot

Epic Loot. The mod adds magical loot to the game, magical items, and an enchantment system. You can knock out new items from monsters and chests. Magic items strengthen your character in different ways while they are equipped and provide various ma ...
Improved Bosses

Enhanced Bosses. Expands the capabilities of existing bosses and adds new unique attacks to each boss. Bosses spawn more minions when injured. Eikthyr Summons boars, necks and harilings Can now shake the ground like a troll. Log attack. Starts tele ...