Real silver shield

Original title: True Silver Shield. Replacing the mesh and texture for the silver shield. How to run: Download manually and place the mesh file in: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMeshes/KnifeSilver ...
Silver combat dagger

Original title: Silver Fighting Dagger. Replacing the mesh and texture for a silver knife. How to run: Download manually and place the mesh file in: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/CustomMeshes/KnifeSilve ...
Automatic fuel

Automatic Fuel. Fills furnaces and smelters with items from chests or from the ground. The configuration has two prevention lists: FuelDisallowTypes - Indicates the types of consumables such as wood and coal that are prohibited (does not apply to fu ...

Cat's. Cats have arrived in the world of Valheim, prepare firewood and fish and attract furry friends. Features: - To attract cats, you need to build a cat spawn, to do this, collect 20 firewood and 10 fish and prepare your trap, the smell of fis ...
Raven Cloak

Raven Cape. Adds a new cloak to the mountain biome. Default recipe: - Feathers x25 - Fenris hair x10 - Gray Dwarf Eye x5
Armor "Eikthyr's Retribution"

Eikthyr's Retribution. This mod is a small content expansion that includes a new set of armor and a corresponding set of weapons. You can also get 2 new status effects. Features: - Helm of Eikthyr - Eikthyr's breastplate - Eikthyr's boots - Sword ...
Soft armor in HD

Armor Padded HD Texture. This mod adds HD textures to soft armor. Installation at this path /Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/CustomTextures.
Wolf Cloak HD

Wolf Cape HD Texture. Adds a new, more detailed texture for the wolf cloak. Installation at this path /Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/CustomTextures.
World of ships

Shipmansworld. A large citadel in the grasslands with many portals leading throughout the world.

Wolfs. Wolf cubs are on the loose in Valheim, get your rope ready to catch them. After lassoing a wolf, take it home and start taming it, when it grows up, it will turn into a beautiful wolf that will help you against your enemies (mobs). There are ...
Real Vikings base

True Vikings Base. The author decided to make a cool base. Hope you enjoy it. This is the most suitable stack for 3 people. Installation in this path: C:/Users/../AppData/LocalLow/IronGate/Valheim/worlds.
Island Fortress (Luga)

Island Fortress (Meadows). A fortress on an island near the initial spawn. There's plenty of room for tamed animals, workstations, and your friends. This is basically a save of the world where I built a fortress on an island near the initial spawn, y ...
Bow with beak

Hugins Beak. This is a bow that deals poison and cold damage, imbued with the power of wishbones to detect treasure and silver ore. The mod has a bonus sword (Silver Katana).

The Fisher. Adds 37 new fish species, 7 starfish and 1 crab to the fishing system. Corals will appear in the Grasslands, Plains and Ocean, these corals will contain fish, you can use a standard Valheim fishing rod and for each coral found, a marker w ...
Portal stations

Portal Stations. Adds portal stations and a personal teleportation device that allow users to quickly travel between locations. Portal stations Portal stations are capable of teleporting players from any station to all others. However, their cons ...