Skip menus and selection screens

Skip Menu and Select Screens. Skip the menu, as well as automatically select a character, world or server when starting the game. Configure via configuration file or use command line flags. Enable Strict Mode to always apply your choices.
Viking longhouse

Longhouse for vikings. This mod adds a classic Viking longhouse.
Configuration editor

Valheim Config Editor. This editor loads the mod's Valheim.cfg ini files into the user interface, allowing the file to be edited in an organized tree structure with support for description text. The editor has a search bar with dynamic content and th ...
Soft armor in HD

HD Padded armor with iron chestpiece. Just an edited version of the awesome HDPadded armor mod by Atom0000.
Lucky Hall

Lucky Hall. Fully equipped room. The blacksmith is on level 7, the workbench is on level 5. Space for 1 person.
Terraheim - weapons and armor

Terraheim - Weapons Tools and Armor. Terraheim is both an overhaul of Valheim's armor system with the goal of making every armor set viable for the rest of the game, and a weapon expansion that fills gaps in the game's core roster. Twelve new weapons ...
Norn Tower

Norn Tower - by G4B3. A terrifying silhouette on the mountain peaks and a cozy refuge from the piercing wind! Inspired by GW2 Norn architecture, I created this tower on a platform with distinct arched roofs.
Crafting Station Utilities

Crafting Station Utilities. This mod gives you many configuration options related to crafting stations (workbench, forge, stone carver, craftsman's table and sometimes cauldron).
House on the Hill

PhanHung's HillHouse. This mod adds a new large house that can be built right on the hill.
Weapons of the Forsaken

Forsaken. This mod adds 13 new boss themed weapons for you to unlock and craft! Most have modified movesets, and some even have additional effects.
Hero classes

Valheim Legends. Adds selectable hero classes to the game, each with 3 unique abilities. Slice through multitudes of enemies with your berserker fury, stalk your prey like a swift shadow, or unleash heaven's fury in a meteor storm - become a legend! ...
Map of Mars

MARS MAP. This mod adds a map of Mars to the game.
Building status display

Building Health Display. Allows you to customize the building status bar to change color based on status and show current/maximum and percentage status. Also optionally allows you to display part integrity and use custom integrity colors. Fully custo ...
Changing the visibility of the interface

Immersive Hud. This is a mod that allows you to control when you can see your hud. Hide your hud if you don't want to see it! Features: - Enable or disable hud elements by pressing a special key that you can set in the options. — - When the key ...
Ultra-wide user interface

Ultrawide Ui Mod. Allows the user to change the in-game HUD top, left, right, and bottom position offsets in pixels. The default is set to 0 pixels, positive numbers will move the HUD X pixels towards the center of the screen, and negative numbers wi ...