Saving (All weapons, modules are open, all additional modes are completed. The true ending is open)

  • Valkyria Chronicles 4 — Saving (All weapons, modules are open, all additional modes are completed. The true ending is open)
Author: actekUA
Size: 5.00 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 15, 2020, 03:10 PM
Downloads: 307

The plot is 100% completed, all weapons and modules are unlocked, all additional modes are completed. The true ending has been revealed.

Team history 17/17

Extra stories 3/6

Training missions 22/22


The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение (Открыто всё оружие, модули, пройдены все дополнительные режимы. Открыта истинная концовка)

Сюжет пройден на 100%, открыто всё оружие, модули, пройдены все дополнительные режимы. Открыта истинная концовка.

История команды 17/17

Экстра истории 3/6

Тренировочные миссии 22/22


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