Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/31/2022]

  • Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus — Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 07/31/2022]
Author: FrechetDerivative
Size: 4.07 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: August 1, 2022, 01:32 PM
Downloads: 665

Buff attributes of all techpriests. Base health is 50, damage +15, armors +10, movement range is 20, and 100% critical Chance - Improved attributes of all Tech-Priests. Base health - 50, damage +15, armor +10, movement range - 20, critical chance - 100%.

Buff equipped items of techpriests. All equipped items will have zero CP cost and 1 turn cooldown. Need to reequip to update the GUI, but is not necessary to make the change. Weapon's CP cost is not affected during the mission. Weapon's machine spirit will always activate - Improve the equipment and items of tech-priests. All equipped items will have zero CP cost and a cooldown of 1 turn

Buff attributes of all unlocked troops. Base health + 30, damage +10, armors +10, movement range is 20, movement animation speed up, always move first than your techpriests, cost no CP and no blackstone to deploy - Improve the attributes of all unlocked troops. Base health +30, damage +10, armor +10, movement range 20, movement animation is faster, always move first than your tech-priests, do not waste any CP or stones on deployment.

Unlock Canticles - Unlock chants

Black Stone - Edit stones

Additional deployment slots - Additional slots for deployment

Reduce troop deployment cost; with 30 means 30% reduction - Reduce the cost of deploying troops; from 30 means a reduction of 30%

Bonus cognition point; will update GUI during combat, so with more than 1000 will seriously lag the game - Bonus knowledge point; Overall necron countdown; the wide campaign countdown to the final mission - Edit the overall Necron countdown; countdown of the entire campaign until the final mission

Awake value during mission; only available when on a mission, and affects the bonuses that Necron gets - Edit the value of awakening during a mission; Available only during the mission and affects the bonuses that Necron receives

Startup process:

Launch Cheat Engine, "Load" and select table

"Select a process to open", select the desired process.

Select the desired option and check the box.

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Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 31.07.2022]

Buff attributes of all techpriests. Base health is 50, damage +15, armors +10, movement range is 20, and 100% critical Chance — Улучшенные атрибуты всех техножрецов. Базовое здоровье — 50, урон +15, броня +10, дальность передвижения — 20, критический шанс — 100%.

Buff equipemented items of techpriests. All equipped items will have zero CP cost and 1 turn cooldown. Need to reequip to update the GUI, but is not necessary to make the change. Weapon's CP cost is not affected during the mission. Weapon's machine spirit will always activate — Улучшайте экипировку и предметы техножрецов. Все экипированные предметы будут иметь нулевую стоимость CP и время восстановления 1 ход

Buff attributes of all unlocked troops. Base health + 30, damage +10, armors +10, movement range is 20, movement animation speed up, always move first than your techpriests, cost no CP and no blackstone to deploy — Улучшайте атрибуты всех разблокированных войск. Базовое здоровье + 30, урон +10, броня +10, дальность передвижения 20, анимация движения ускоряется, всегда двигайтесь первыми, чем ваши техножрецы, не тратьте ни CP, ни камни на развертывание.

Unlock Canticles — Разблокируйте песнопения

Black Stone — Редактировать камни

Additional deployment slots — Дополнительные слоты для развертывания

Reduce troop deployment cost; with 30 means 30% reduction — Сократить расходы на развертывание войск; с 30 означает сокращение на 30%

Bonus cognition point; will update GUI during combat, so with more than 1000 will seriously lag the game — Бонусное очко познания; будет обновляться графический интерфейс во время боя, поэтому при более чем 1000 будет серьезно отставать игра

Overall necron countdown; the campaign wide countdown to the final mission — Редактировать общий обратный отсчет некронов; обратный отсчет всей кампании до финальной миссии

Awake value during mission; only available when on a mission, and affects the bonuses that Necron gets — Редактировать значение пробуждения во время миссии; доступно только во время выполнения миссии и влияет на бонусы, которые получает Некрон

Процесс запуска:

Запустить Cheat Engine, "Load" и выбрать таблицу

"Select a process to open", выбрать нужный процесс.

Выбрать нужную опцию, поставить крест.

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