Wasteland 2 loading screen character portraits (custom portraits HD)

  • Wasteland 3 — Wasteland 2 loading screen character portraits (custom portraits HD)
Author: baxxter82
Size: 271.13 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: October 7, 2020, 02:04 AM
Downloads: 648

Portraits of characters from the loading screen of Wasteland 2 HD, stylized to match the colors of the 3rd part.

Installation: Place the images in the folder "\\Documents\My Games\Wasteland3\Custom Portraits

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Портреты персонажей загрузочного экрана Wasteland 2 (custom portraits HD)

Стилизованные под цветовую гамму 3-ей части портреты персонажей загрузочного экрана игры Wasteland 2 HD.

Установка: поместите изображения в папку "\DocumentsMy GamesWasteland3Custom Portraits

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