Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
A city planning simulator, the main feature of which is the surroundings in the style of the Soviet Union. The main task is to create your own republic, where you... Read more
Favorite city planner, although at first I was skeptical about this game, I can definitely recommend it to those who are tired of the monotonous drawing of squares and the economic system of most city planners, of course there are shortcomings, but over time you get used to them and don’t pay much attention, 9+
Любимый градострой,хотя сначала относился скептически к этой игре, рекомендовать точно могу тем кому приелось монотонное рисование квадратиков и экономическая система большинства градостроев,недостатки конечно есть но с временем к ним привыкаешь и внимание особо не обращаешь,9+