Player rating in battle (without HVM) [1.0]

  • World of Tanks — Player rating in battle (without HVM) [1.0]
  • World of Tanks — Player rating in battle (without HVM) [1.0]
  • 1554246668_rejting_igrokov_v_boyu_bez_hvm_.rar
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 247.04 kB
Author: Alex2010god
Size: 247.04 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: April 3, 2019, 02:10 AM
Downloads: 323

Shows the total vn8 and the number of battles of team players (in the ears).

Unlike all similar mods, it does not have flashes. When you press ALT - information is above the tank.

To install, copy the mods folder to the folder with the installed game.

Settings in the config_format.json and config_main.json configs.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Рейтинг игроков в бою (без ХВМ) [1.0]

Показывает общий вн8 и количество боев у игроков команд (в ушах).

В отличии от всех похожих модов не имеет флешей. При нажатии ALT — информация над танком.

Для установки скопировать папку mods в папку с установленной игрой.

Настройки в конфигах config_format.json и config_main.json.

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