XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is an addition to the futuristic tactical strategy with turn-based combat in the XCOM universe. The main feature of the add-on is an... Read more
Trainer (+8) [Update: 10/22/2017] {MrAntiFun}
1508857740_xcom_2_war_of_the_chosen_v10.zipDownload 4.38 MBArchive password: vgtimes
- Author: MrAntiFun
- Edition: Steam
- Version: Update: 10/22/2017
- Language: Eng
- Functions: 8
- Date of Creation: 10/24/2017
- F1 Act.Trainer Act.Trainer
- F2 Dis. Antich. Off Antique
- F3 Super Health Soup.Life
- F4 Super Mobility Susp.
- F5 Super Aim Supt.Accur.
- F6 Super Will Soup.Will
- F7 Super Armor Suup.Armor
- F8 Super Hack Soup.Hack
- F9 Super Dodge Supt.
- F10 Reset Res. Reset Res.
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Трейнер/Trainer (+8) [Update: 22.10.2017] {MrAntiFun}
- Автор: MrAntiFun
- Издание: Steam
- Версия: Update: 22.10.2017
- Язык: Eng
- Функций: 8
- Дата Создания: 24.10.2017
Горячие клавиши:
- F1 Act.Trainer Акт.Трейнер
- F2 Dis. Antich. Откл.Антич.
- F3 Super Health Суп.Жизни
- F4 Super Mobility Суп.Подв.
- F5 Super Aim Суп.Точн.
- F6 Super Will Суп.Воля
- F7 Super Armor Суп.Броня
- F8 Super Hack Суп.Хак
- F9 Super Dodge Суп.Акк.
- F10 Reset Res. Сброс Рес.
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