ZZZ 1.6 Fix

  • Zenless Zone Zero — ZZZ 1.6 Fix
  • Zenless Zone Zero — ZZZ 1.6 Fix
  • Zenless Zone Zero — ZZZ 1.6 Fix
Author: petrascyll
Size: 7.51 MB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: March 16, 2025, 11:27 AM
Downloads: 44


  • Soldier0 1024p/2048p texture hashes;
  • Pulchra 1024p/2048p texture hashes;
  • Anby diffuse hash;
  • Ellen body blend hash;
  • Body position and texcoord hashes;
  • Astra: hair and legs textures, hair and legs texcoord hash, body mesh hash, face diffuse hash.

It's important to disable High-Precision Character Resolution and set Character Quality to High. Normal maps seem to still be contaminated. A temporary fix is still available via XXMI Launcher on Github.

Ellen (ZZZv1.4 break)

Ellen mods made before ZZZv1.4 that modify the blend buffer via the position hash, not the blend hash, require additionally running a separate script EllenHairRemap.1.4 to apply the remap and fix. It is in a separate script because the script will damage Ellen mods if forcibly run multiple times on the same mod or if run on a mod that does not require a remap. Ideally, you should place the script inside the broken Ellen mod folder specifically and not at the root of the Mods folder. The script will prompt you to enter a keyword before it proceeds with the remap. Nothing will happen if you run the script but do not enter the correct keyword. Refer to the following image to know for certain if you need to run the EllenHairRemap.1.4 script on a broken Ellen mod or not.

How to run:

  1. Download;
  2. Move the exe into the same folder as the broken mod or the whole mods folder;
  3. Double-clicking it will run the fix on all enabled ini files present in the same folder as the exe and any folders inside the current folder;
  4. You can place the exe in the mods folder and run it to affect all mods at once, or place it specifically inside a certain broken mod's folder and run it there;
  5. You can also drag and drop an ini file into the exe to run the fix on it, no matter where the exe file is located.

If it doesn't work:

  • Download a fresh copy of the mod that hasn't been tampered with and try again;
  • Ensure the script is in the same directory as the broken mod and that you're starting CMD/Powershell in this directory;
  • Try swapping characters or teleporting in the game.

Useful links:

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