An unusual souls-like game with underwater battles will be released on Steam

Next week, Another Crab's Treasure will be released on Steam, a colorful souls-like action game about a hermit crab who goes in search of a home in a dying underwater kingdom. The developers promise battles like in Dark Souls, a wide selection of techniques and «a whole bunch of crabs.»

The player will begin his journey as a hermit crab who has had his shell stolen. In search of a new home, you will have to go around the entire ocean, fighting bosses, collecting garbage for armor and weapons, and looking for treasures to buy your home back. At the same time, the whole world and the player will be threatened by a certain «slurry» — a substance poisoning the ocean.

According to the authors, Another Crab's Treasure is suitable for both veterans of souls-like games and newcomers to the genre. Difficulty can be adjusted in the game itself.

The project has rather unpretentious system requirements, but only the minimum ones are indicated. You can view the game's Steam page here. Another Crab's Treasure will be released on April 25th.

Previously, a trailer for souls-like game was shown with an open world reminiscent of the «mobile Elden Ring».

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