Neil Druckmann explained that his words about the new game were misunderstood

Sony recently held a large-scale event, during which company representatives spoke with Neil Druckmann. However, after the interview was published, the game designer said that his words were misinterpreted.

«This is not quite what I said,» he responded to a recent publication in which an interviewer attributed him to saying that Neil Druckmann's new project «could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.»

As it turned out, the developer was actually talking about his personal perception of the future project, which he considers very cool. He even published a full transcript of the interview, where, it turns out, he simply expressed delight at the opportunity to work on his dream game.

I am working on a new one right now. And it's maybe the most excited I've been for a project yet... And I guess in general, there is something happening now that I think is very cool. Which is there's a new appreciation for gaming that I've never seen before.

In addition, the game designer's words about his attitude towards the series based on The Last of Us were missing from the interview. Here is the full version of what was said:

Non-gamers, they don't really know what they're missing out on. But my hope was, when we made The Last of Us as a TV show that we could change that… I wanted so badly for it to be good, because I wanted this to happen, which is like someone who will watch the show and really like it. And fall in love with those characters the way that we have fallen in love with those characters and their story. And then realize at the end, «wait, that's based on a video game?» and then go and check out the game and just see the wealth of narratives and everything that's happening in games. So now I feel like there's kind of a spotlight on gaming… And I find that really exciting. Not because games need to be movies, or they need to be TV shows, but I think it just kind of opens the eyes of a bunch of people that just weren't aware of the kind of experiences that exist in games.

It was no coincidence that Neil Druckmann mentioned the show — he had previously shared details about his future game, which will structurally resemble a television series.

Let us remember that recently one of the insiders said that Naughty Dog is working on a completely new project.

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