Gaming News The creators of Gears of War E-Day revealed more details about the game

The creators of Gears of War E-Day revealed more details about the game

Diana Golenko
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Journalist Jez Corden from Windows Central spoke with developers from The Coalition about the new part of Gears of War. The creators of the horror shooter shared details of the future game and hinted at the return of multiplayer.

The most important from the interview:

  • The Gears of War E-Day story will take players back to «a time of panic and chaos», showing the early days of the Locust Horde invasion;
  • The game will tell about the beginning of the friendship between Marcus Fenix ​​and Dominic Santiago;
  • Both heroes recently returned home after the Pendulum War, in which Dominic's brother Carlos Santiago died;
  • The game will return to the dark, gritty atmosphere of the original, but will also show «emotional moments» like the episode with Dominic's wife from Gears 2;
  • Gears of War: E-Day is likely to get a competitive multiplayer mode;
  • The shooter was given the full name «Gears of War» instead of «Gears» as a sign of «a return to the roots of the series»;
  • New opponents and types of weapons may appear in the game, and some gameplay elements will change;
  • The history of the appearance of the Chainsaw Lancer will be shown.

Let us remind you that the announcement of Gears of War: E-Day took place on June 9 during the Xbox Games Showcase 2024. The game is being developed on the UE 5 engine for the PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

Recently, information appeared in the media about exactly when Gears of War: E-Day will be released.

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