Gaming News The canceled Fallout title can now be played on PC

The canceled Fallout title can now be played on PC

Diana Golenko
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Thanks to modders, players can now play Van Buren, a canceled Fallout title that ceased development in 2003. The game was recreated using the Fallout 2 engine.

Let us remember that according to the developers of Van Buren, we were supposed to play as a prisoner who managed to escape from prison into the Wasteland. The main story can now be completed in its entirety thanks to the Fallout Yesterday fan project. True, for this you will have to assemble a specific build with an emphasis on Science and Repair — a step-by-step guide is included in the mod. In addition to history, the addon offers dozens of new locations, as well as various weapons, skills, companions, vehicles and races.

You can download Fallout Yesterday here; you will need Fallout 2 for the modification to work.

Earlier, game designer Tim Cain told new details about the cancellation of Van Buren.

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