Valheim and Minecraft Veterans Presented Survival Game About Roman Empire — Romestead

Three Friends, a company founded by Minecraft, Deep Rock Galactic and Valheim veterans, has presented the city-building simulator Romestead. In this game with elements of survival and RPG, crafting, base building and an open world, you will have to return the former glory of the Roman Empire.

The player will take control of the ruins of a once great civilization left after an apocalyptic event. He will have to rebuild settlements, master crafts and production, maintain a high standard of living for citizens, restore temples of the gods and explore a large open world. Romestead will also offer dungeons with bosses and co-op.

The release date of the game has not yet been announced, but players can already add Romestead to their Steam wishlist and join the playtest.

Recall that earlier the developers of Valheim showed the first creature from the new biome

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