Which Workshops are Best to Buy in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Workshops are one of the ways to earn passive income in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. In this article, we will look at which workshops bring in the most money and how not to make a mistake when buying a business.

What are Workshops?

Workshops are shops in cities that produce goods for sale. Workshops participate in the game's economy: they buy raw materials from the city market, produce goods, and sell them on the market. The workshop takes a part for production itself, and the profit goes to the player.

The number of workshops a player can own is limited and changes with the clan level (Renown). Each city has three slots for purchase—there is nothing stopping you from placing three businesses within the same walls. The purchase price can vary — from 13 to 16 thousand denars.

Every day, the business brings a certain amount of money to the player, and at the same time, it accumulates its value for sale — if your business is profitable, its value can eventually reach up to 30 thousand denars. After selling, the player is not limited in acquiring a new place, so workshops, with skillful management, can bring huge income.

Which Workshop is Best in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Since the economy in Calradia, the game world, is dynamic, there is no definitively best workshop. But there is a simple algorithm that allows you to determine which establishment is best suited for a city.

First of all, to buy a workshop, you need to find a workshop worker in the city. To do this, you need to enter the city (select «Take a walk around the streets» in the city menu), and find one of the workshops—the list of names in English can be found below (Mount & Blade 2 does not yet have an official Russian localization, so for convenience, we will rely on the English version):

  • Brewery — brewery;
  • Wine Press — winery;
  • Olive Press — olive press (olive oil production);
  • Velvet Weavery — silk factory;
  • Linen Weavery — linen factory;
  • Wool Weavery — wool factory;
  • Pottery Shop — pottery workshop;
  • Tannery — tannery;
  • Wood Workshop — wood workshop;
  • Smithy — smithy;
  • Silversmith — silversmith.

When you find the workshop building, inside there will be several people called Shop Workers. It doesn't matter which one you talk to: you can buy the workshop from any of them. The workers are only in the building during the day!

If you have enough money, they will offer you to choose the type of business: what the workshop will produce and sell. And here you will need to think.

The workshop buys raw materials from its market and sells the finished product there. Accordingly, there should be a lot of raw materials and few products. There are two ways to determine which raw materials are abundant:

  • Go to the city shop and look at the quantity of goods. We are interested in the goods from the list below — look for the raw materials that are most abundant in the market;
  • A more reliable way — open the global map and hover your mouse over the city. In the information window, find the line «Bound Settlements» — these are the villages that supply raw materials to the city. Now we need to find each of the villages on the map, and in the same window look for the line "Main Production"—this is the item that the village supplies to the city in large quantities. If 2 or 3 villages of the city produce the same resource, then you should pay attention to the workshop with this resource.

Resource List:

  • Brewery — grain;
  • Wine Press — grapes;
  • Olive Press — olives;
  • Velvet Weavery — cotton;
  • Linen Weavery — flax;
  • Wool Weavery — wool or sheep;
  • Pottery Shop — clay;
  • Tannery — rawhide;
  • Wood Workshop — hardwood;
  • Smithy — hardwood or iron ore;
  • Silversmith — silver.

After all the considerations, you just need to choose the necessary business in the conversation with the worker and confirm your choice. If you have chosen correctly, your participation ends here: the business will start working and will pay you profit.

Profit is accrued daily: in the first few days, it may not exceed 100 denars, but this is normal. In this case, you should give the business more time.

However, it may be that you made a mistake with the choice of production and the business does not bring anything — or no more than 50 gold for several weeks. In this case, you can change the type of production: just talk to your worker at the workshop and say that you want to change the workshop (do not confuse this with selling!). Changing production will cost 2000 denars.

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