The Witcher 3 turns 9 years old! Fans have shared their favorite screenshots
May 20, 2024, 11:58 AM

CD Projekt RED celebrated the ninth anniversary of The Witcher 3: the legendary role-playing game was released on May 18, 2015. On this occasion, fans shared their screenshots, drawings, cosplay, and even tattoos.
Even Sasha Grey joined the discussion about the game, whose streaming career began with the game. «My pc struggling to keep up in the final fight was rough, but getting the best ending made up for it!» wrote the celebrity.
The developers, in turn, reminisced about the creation of their project.
The best and worst thing about getting to work on Wild Hunt was that this was my first Witcher game I could not play as a fan.
I'll never forget the moment when on my first day, I sat next to Jacek Rozenek, watching an early version of a windswept Leszy forest in Skellige.
I remember early days of 2012, when we have kicked of the work on new Witcher game. First discussions, excitement, inspiring concept art, studying source material. For years, as a Designer I have only been thinking about the Witcher lore.
Today marks 9 years from the release
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