Disney Plus premiered the first two episodes of Star Wars' Acolyte. The show takes place before the first episode, and the plot focuses on the Jedi investigating a series of mysterious murders.
The series stars Dafne Keen («Logan“), Lee Jeong-jae (”Squid Game»), Carrie-Anne Moss («The Matrix»), and others.
On Rotten Tomatoes, «The Acolyte» started with 88% «freshness» from critics and 49% from viewers. On IMDb, the first two episodes received 7 and 6.9 points. Journalists mostly praise the show, noting that it is far from the best project in the «Star Wars» universe. Meanwhile, fans are writing about superficial character development, a boring plot, and the cast.
«The Acolyte» will include a total of 8 episodes. The finale is scheduled for July 16.