Five episodes of Arcane season 2 leaked online

Five episodes from the upcoming second season of Arcane from Netflix have leaked online. Hackers got their hands on recordings in poor quality, but with serious spoilers.

Information about the leaked episodes appeared on Reddit and other Internet sites. The recordings were stolen from the dubbing studio. It is reported that only three episodes out of the five are ready, and the remaining two are «drafts». All of them are in pretty poor quality and have watermarks, but fans should beware of plot spoilers that will soon flood the network.

The official release of the second season of Arcane will take place on November 2 on Netflix. Before that, the streaming service shared two excerpts — with Vi as part of the Piltover guard and a sneaking Heimerdinger.

Earlier, the voice actress Jinx admitted that the continuation of the animated series «devastated» her.

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