Beholder: Conductor — Complete Walkthrough, Tips and Tricks

Beholder: Conductor is an exciting spin-off of the famous Beholder series, where you take on the role of a train conductor. Gamers can expect everything they loved in the original games: observing passengers, completing ministry tasks, breaking laws, and most importantly, uncovering the mystery of the fate of the main character's family members, whom he believed to be dead. In this guide, we have prepared a detailed walkthrough of the game and answers to all your questions.
You will take on the role of a new conductor named Winston Smith. If you are familiar with the original Beholder parts, you already have an idea of how the gameplay will unfold: completing story missions, serving passengers, checking tickets, and gathering information. And, of course, you will face serious choices, each of which may be fateful for both the surrounding characters and the main character himself.
If you decide not to skip the tutorial level, you will need to complete a few tasks.
Take the Shift
Approach the former conductor of the carriage and listen to him. You can ask a few questions, then return to Peter.
Check Documents
The conductor must check the documents of each new passenger. If you fail to do this, for each subsequent station that such a character passes, you will receive a penalty in the form of losing reputation points. When this value reaches zero, you will be fired and arrested. The game ends there.
Check the documents. The information on the ticket must match the information in the dossier. If you find an error, mark it with the LMB, then click "Fine." If there are no errors, click "Allow." If you miss an error, the conductor will be fined instead of the passenger.
Players can gather information about passengers in the dossier in various ways. One of them is peeking. To do this, simply approach the compartment door and click on the eye icon. This way, you can learn about the characters' various interests or witness serious violations. Click the LMB to record the information in the dossier.
Search is another way to collect data about passengers. But remember, no one likes someone rummaging through their belongings, especially if it is a government official. Open the character's luggage and arrange the items in the free spaces in the compartment. Record any findings and arrange everything in the same order, as otherwise, it may arouse suspicion.
Conductor's Panel
To earn reputation points and extra money, as in the original games of the series, you can compile profiles on various passengers and then send the data to the ministry. All this is done using the conductor's panel. The main thing is to fill out the form correctly.
Preparing the Compartment
You need to prepare the compartment for passengers in advance. If this is not done, they will crowd in the carriage passage, which will lead to a loss of reputation. To prepare the compartment, you will have to spend a certain amount of money. Purchase the necessary items and unpack them from the box.
Passenger Meals
The quest will become available when a new passenger, Louise Manishek, boards the train. Her documents are in order, but she will ask for food. Ask Peter about the dining car to get the key, then head to the right part of the train and talk to the chef named Tom.
He will kindly agree to prepare food for the lady. You just need to return and tell Louise about this, as well as make a plot choice.
Choose a Toy or a Gun?
When you return to Louise with the chef's response, as payment for the meal, she will offer you a choice of one of the items:
- Children's Toy: This item will be useful for completing another quest that Karl Stein will soon give. However, we do not recommend choosing it, as it will affect the further plot.
- Gun: The optimal choice. You will leave Louise unarmed and can either keep the weapon or sell it to a trader at the nearest station for $200. The first option will allow you to open a plot choice in one of the following quests.
Louise's Favorite Dish
The task is activated after a second conversation with the chef Tom. Go to Louise and ask about her favorite dish. She will ask for pastries — tell Tom about it. As a reward, you will receive a strange key.
Toy for the Steins
The new passengers will be the Stein family, led by Karl. Talk to him and take the next quest. As we wrote above, you need to get a toy, which Louise has. Return to the woman and buy the item for $150. This is inexpensive, considering that Karl will pay you $300.
Immediately after the dialogue with Stein, a new passenger will join Louise in the compartment. Find an error in his ticket.
Take the Cat or Leave It?
Upon arriving at the next station, the mechanic will notice a problem with the wheel, and the train will have to stay here for at least three days. Inspect the platform and find the ginger cat. It is currently unknown what will happen if you take it with you. But if you do, you can name it. Interestingly, the hero offers two names to choose from, but in fact, you can only choose one.
Sound Sleep. Cheap or Expensive Medications for Peter
The quest will begin after a conversation with Peter, who is feeling down on the platform. The partner will ask you to buy expensive medications from a local trader, as he is already "on the radar" of the train manager. If you buy cheap medications for him ($120), you will find out in three days that he was fired. If you buy expensive medications ($600), Peter will not be fired.
Forced Stop
To complete the task, walk through the passengers in the carriage, including the newly arrived ones, and inform them about the long train stop.
Food for the Prisoner
Three days later, when the train starts moving again, Peter will approach the hero and say that the train manager is calling him. He will also ask you to take food to the prisoner in the neighboring carriage on the left. Go there and refuse the guards' demand to give them the food. But they will take it anyway.
Lunch for the Guards. Who to Give the Pastries to
You couldn't give the food to the prisoner, but the guards will send you to the kitchen for lunches. As you pass through your carriage, you'll encounter Louise, who will start asking about the arrested man. Take the food for the guards and on the way back, talk to the woman again. She will give you pastries for them.
Here are some outcomes of your possible decisions:
- If you don't give the pastries to the guards, Louise will try to sneak to the prisoner and will be killed.
- If you give the pastries to the guards, they will fall asleep, and you'll catch Louise with her husband.
In the second case, everything will depend on whether the girl has a weapon. Earlier, we suggested taking the gun as payment for the food — this will be the optimal solution. You can make another choice:
- Threaten with the gun: Available if players received the weapon from Louise and did not sell it to the trader. This way, you will prevent the escape of the prisoner and his wife.
- Let Louise and her husband go: opens access to an additional quest, for which you will receive a lot of money and reputation.
The second option will unlock the additional quest "Cover the Guards".
Cover the Guards
The task will become available if you meet a number of conditions:
- Gave the pastries from Louise to the guards.
- Let Louise and her husband go.
- In conversation with the guards, chose "Try to Persuade".
Go to Tom and ask for help. If you want to complete the task positively, choose "To Louise and her husband" in the dialogue. Otherwise, the cook will not provide assistance.
Spy Games
This is the final quest available in the early version of Beholder: Conductor. Inspect compartment No. 1 and talk to the strange passenger. Follow him to the business class, and after the dialogue, the game will end.