Top 15 Games Similar to Hogwarts Legacy


8. The Witcher Series

The main character of The Witcher series, the legendary witcher Geralt, is adept at handling swords and mastering the basics of magic. He doesn't need a magic wand for its use, but if we recall, even wizards in the Harry Potter world could perform some magical tricks without using wands.

Moreover, if we shift focus from the main character, the world of The Witcher is quite filled with sorcerers, sorceresses, and witches who successfully use their magical abilities.

Among the sorceresses, of course, Yennefer and Triss come to mind first, using their abilities not only for peaceful purposes (for healing, for example) but also in battles. The world of The Witcher is permeated with magic, not only of the light but also of the dark.

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I love to understand games and write guides for them, which I've been doing since 2017. For my soul, I prefer projects with a deep story and online shooters.
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