S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 — a bug simulator? We collected the funniest glitches from «Heart of Chernobyl»

If you read reviews of the second «Stalker» from the Western press, you might have noticed that all the journalists criticize the game for having bugs. Some critics suggest ignoring technical flaws, while others advise waiting for patches that should fix everything. Otherwise, you risk being disappointed in «Heart of Chernobyl». In this article, we have collected the funniest glitches that were encountered in the game.
The funniest bugs in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
Jumping 10 meters high
Wanted to check for anomalies using a bolt? Get ready to be thrown up a few meters. Don't forget that the Zone is treacherous and unpredictable. Be thankful you're alive.
Flying frogs
Right after the Chernobyl disaster, rumors began to circulate that mutant animals had appeared in the Exclusion Zone. For example, the film «Monsters» with Boris Shcherbakov was made on this topic. And in «Stalker» we can meet levitating toads. Or was it not intended that way?
Shooting from an invisible shotgun
The latest development of gunsmiths is a completely transparent shotgun. Allows you to bring a firearm into a guarded facility and start shooting at enemies who do not suspect anything. True, you will be given away by the loud noise after the first pull of the trigger, but this is already a trifle.
Chernobyl men are so tough...
Real men understand humor perfectly well and do not get angry, even when the joke seemed unsuccessful. For example, if a stalker throws an iron bolt at a friend, his friend will only smirk and continue to stand with an unperturbed look.
The Bloodsucker Will Wait
Bloodsuckers respect the rules and will not attack stalkers while they are talking to each other. Even they know that interrupting a serious conversation between two men is not manly.
You Need to Clean Your Ears
Stalkers communicate the most valuable information in a whisper. And it doesn't matter that in this case no one can hear them. At least they won't blab.
Do you often encounter bugs in games?
Smoke a Tablet
Wanted to smoke a cigarette, but only had a brand new iPad at hand? No problem, it will do too. As the hero of one comedy said, «You can smoke everything!»
Don't let the dog into the house!
An obedient dog will never disobey its owner. If it is told not to go into the house, it will always stay outside. Even if it is brutally hungry.
The latest development of gunsmiths
The new bullets can make the enemy fly up when they hit, and along a very specific wave-like trajectory. It is not yet clear why this is necessary, but the main thing is that it works.
But with mutants, everything is not so interesting — they just soar into the air.
No need to be shy
If a stalker needs to go to the toilet, he will do his business right in front of his comrades. And he will not even take off his chemical protection suit.
When he fell asleep before time
And when a stalker wants to sleep, he will lie down where he is. The Zone itself will transfer him to a warm bed.
Now that's what I call auto-aim!
Some people are outraged that consoles use auto-aim. But «Stalker» goes further. Wherever you look, the enemy will always be in your sights. All that remains is to pull the trigger.
How critical are bugs for the perception of the game
A poor technical condition of a game always negatively affects the reputation of the developers, as well as the publishers who allowed a raw project to appear on sale. For example, it took CD Projekt RED almost three years to rid Cyberpunk 2077 of critical bugs. But if the Poles eventually succeeded, other studios did not even have a chance to do so. For example, Troika Games closed after the failure of Vampire: The Masquerade — Bloodlines, and the Piranha Bytes studio quarreled with the publisher JoWood because of the unsuccessful Gothic 3. As a result, both projects were brought to mind by modders who released fan patches.
We will find out in the near future how the fate of the second «Stalker» will turn out.
Are you already playing «Heart of Chernobyl»? Or are you waiting for the developers to fix all the bugs? Share your opinions in the comments!
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