7 Days to Die
Players find themselves in a world gripped by a zombie apocalypse, where the main task is survival. During the day, they search for resources, build shelters and... Read more
Sweets in the trash

Candy Loot. This mod adds candy to the trash so you can find it in the world instead of just buying it. This means that sometimes you will find a candy bar in a trash bag or in your car; it can be anywhere where you can sometimes find junk. This is n ...
Extended backpack

Riles-BackpackPlus. This is a super simple mod that increases the backpack to size 60. Visually only adjusted by adding three more columns. God Mode, Pack Mule, and other load capacity modifiers have been adjusted accordingly. Simply put, an extended ...
New weapons

Firearms Expansion 3. This mod expands the game's arsenal with 15 new guns using standard types of ammunition and modifications. Weapon: - Pistol Colt38 T0 - Pistol Colt1911 T1 - Glock40 T2 pistol - Mac10 T1 smg - Thompson M1921 T2 smg - Shotgun ...
Orion's Arrow

Orion's Bolt. This mod adds powerful arrows to the game that allow you to stun enemies. They also deal electrical damage.
Motorcycle Honda CB750

HondaCB750 Motorcycle White. This mod adds a motorcycle to the game that you can create. It comes with original settings, settings for hit points and gas tank, offset by additional requirements for materials for production.
Toilet and sink provide water

Toilet and Sink Give Water. This mod causes the toilet and sink to produce cloudy water. In order to draw this water, use LMB. To install the mod, unpack the archive to this path: Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common / 7 Days To Die / Mod ...
Painkiller recipe

Medical Additions. This mod adds a recipe for painkillers. It comes with a new circuit that can be found in the world. The recipe is locked behind the doctor perk. Also added a recipe for making medical bandages using regular bandages rather than clo ...
Food and water indicators

Wrathmaniac's Food and Water Bars. This is a small mod that adds two new bars, under the health level, which will show the level of food and water.
New weapons

Firearms Expansion 2. This mod adds 7 new weapons to the game. They all use standard types of ammunition. To install, simply unpack the archive to this path / Steam / steamapps / common / 7 Days To Die / Mods. Features: - Glock40 fully automatic p ...
Additional seating

Riles Seating Plus. This mod adds additional seating to vehicles. 1 place for a motorcycle, 2 for a car, 5 for a truck.
Seasonal trees

Seasonal Trees. This mod adds 3 seasonal trees to the game. The colors are green, yellow and red. Also 2 pine trees (new model) can be used to complete the set.
New cars

AC'S VEHICLE MODLET. This mod adds 10 new car designs to the game. You will need to collect all the parts needed to make the vehicles. There are engine parts and engine assemblies, each of which takes up 5 parts of the car. You'll need both, as well ...
40 new power supplies

The Headquarters - Over 40 new power sources and relays. This mod adds over 40 new blocks and recipes. It includes solar panels, batteries and wired relays.
Super sliding blocks

SuperGlide blocks. This mod adds super sliding blocks to the game to increase your speed when walking on them. Perfect for creating high-speed pedestrian paths, like at airports. You can use them to create high-speed tunnels to locations.
Pistol Pandoras

Pandoras Gun. This mod adds a new powerful pistol to the game. Includes: 30x zoom, smart vision, flashlight, silencer, laser, shock damage and burn damage.