Improved Performance

  • Avowed — Improved Performance
  • Основная - 1.11
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 2.17 kB
  • Экспериментальная - 1.11
    Archive password: vgtimes
    Download 2.18 kB
Author: VynnGfx
Size: 2.17 kB
Uploaded by: Flixx
Date: February 17, 2025, 06:34 AM
Updated: March 2, 2025, 06:41 AM
Downloads: 36

The right solution for improving performance and eliminating stuttering issues while maintaining visual quality. Enhances CPU and GPU efficiency, reduces latency, speeds up loading. Also improves streaming and memory management.

  • Main — reduces stuttering, decreases latency, improves frame times;
  • Experimental — further reduces input latency but may cause FPS drops in some games. On high-end processors (7800X3D, 9800X3D, etc.), everything should be fine.


  • When using Vsync: disable Vsync in the game -> enable Vsync in the NVIDIA Control Panel (or AMD Control Panel);
  • When not using Vsync: set FPS to "Unlimited" in the game -> limit FPS in RivaTuner. You can also use both options: Vsync in NvidiaCP + FPS limit in RivaTuner.

How to launch:

  1. Download one of the main files;
  2. Extract the pak file to the Alabama\\Content\\Paks\\~mods folder (for GamePass it should be Avowed\\Content\\Alabama\\Content\\Paks\\~mods);
  3. Create the ~mods folder if it doesn't exist.

Useful links:

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