Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a top-down indie RPG. You will play as the boy Isaac, hiding in the basement from his mother, whom God ordered to sacrifice him. To... Read more
Save / SaveGame (All characters are unlocked, 5 tests completed)

All characters are unlocked, the store has been upgraded to 800 coins, 5 challenges have been completed Installation: move file to: C:\Users\your computer name\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Rebirth
Save / SaveGame (All characters are unlocked, the store is full, 7 challenges and 13 endings are completed)

All characters have been unlocked including XXX and the lost, the store has been upgraded to 1000 coins, 13 endings and 7 tests have been completed, all 18 tests have been unlocked
Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100%)

Absolutely everything is open: characters, things, secrets, tests, endings. P.S. If you want to go through everything yourself, the game needs to be updated to 1.022, otherwise you won’t be able to open the last 4 secrets (Dead Boy and Godhead are bu ...