Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a top-down indie RPG. You will play as the boy Isaac, hiding in the basement from his mother, whom God ordered to sacrifice him. To... Read more
Ghost May

Mei. Play as May, a ghost with telekinetic powers. AB+ and Repentance support! There are version differences due to the modding API! Mouse control can be disabled using the drop down key. Mod Config Menu support may allow you to disable mouse suppor ...
Old wardrobe

Old Wardrobe. Adds a wardrobe to the game, with which you can customize your character's appearance. On each floor, in the very first room there is a wardrobe with clothes. When using the wardrobe, the game timer stops. The modification works in mult ...
Co-op mode

(AB+ ONLY) True Co-op. The upgrade adds local co-op to the game in Afterbirth+. Users will be able to go on a cooperative adventure with up to four players. After choosing characters, you can collect your own items, trinkets, cards and tablets, since ...
Fast travel

GoodTrip[Repentance/AB+]. A small popular modification that allows you to use fast movement between previously cleared rooms. A mini-map appears in the right corner of the screen, displaying all the items found. For convenience, it can be secured in ...
Revival of Genesis+

(AB+) Genesis+ Revived. An updated version of the global modification for Afterbirth+, adding more than 90 artifacts, 2 new characters and 30 unique opponents to the game. The improvement is under development, but currently it works stably and withou ...
Music set

(AB+) Genesis+ Music Pack. This music pack is an add-on pack for The Binding of Isaac: Genesis+. It includes the latest custom soundtracks for people who prefer custom music to regular music. This pack adds 14 new tracks, with more to come with each ...
HD shader set

(AB+) HD Contrast Shader Pack. This shader pack adds 2 new shaper.xml files to the game with much higher brightness and contrast. The colors are more vibrant than ever before and Isaac looks reborn. The package is recommended for use with The Bindin ...

The Garden. The mod adds the “Garden” location and some related content. The player will be able to find new items and use the transformation, and will also have the opportunity to face a unique boss, test and curse. The game will feature new effects ...
Revelations (AB+ only)

Revelations (AB+ only). The modification consists of two chapters, each of which adds a lot of unique content to the game: location, bosses, enemies, items and characters. The hero will have to take control of Sarah or Charon to cope with numerous de ...
Mod Compatibility

Mod Compatibility Hack. This mod addresses two major issues with the modding API without requiring modders to change anything in their mods. 1: Callbacks. Several callbacks, namely GEt_SHADER_PARAMS and all PRE_COLLISION callbacks, can only be added ...
Stage API

Custom Stage API (AFTERBIRTH+ ONLY). Afterbirth+ version of StageAPI. Not supported and will not be updated in the future, but should work fine with older mods.

Quarry. The upgrade will allow the player to find himself in a new area. This location will feature new enemies, items, combinations of stones, interactions with bombs, explosives, and a very difficult hidden boss. The advantage of this mod is that i ...
Improved boss panels

[Rep] Enhanced Boss Bars. The modification changes the classic health scale for bosses. Unique “bars” can be customized for the player. The improvement added a variety of icons for each powerful enemy and more than 30 specific stripe designs. Enhance ...
Wave counter

Boss Rush Wave Counter [Rep | AB+]. This quality enhancing mod adds a wave meter to the Boss Rush HUD, similar to Greed Mode!
Planetarium chance

Planetarium Chance. One of the most popular improvements in the Repentance version, which displays on the screen the probability of the presence of a planetarium on the current floor. All artifacts, collectibles, and modifiers are taken into account ...