Blade and Sorcery
Blade and Sorcery is an exciting action game with a first-person view in a fantasy setting for virtual reality devices HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve Index and... Read more
Sheath Framework

This is the framework that allows modders to create physically working shells.
Particle collision module

Particle Collision Module(U10). A framework that allows you to create your own weapons that shoot custom particles that can: freeze, burn, explode, electrocute and much more! Particle abilities are customizable and even allow you to create beams! To ...
Music Replacer Framework (U11)

Music Replacer Framework(U11). Allows you to change the music of any wave! Combine with lilhusky's Custom Avatar Framework to create custom boss battles set to their own music! To change the step (wave end) music, do the same as usual and put "step" ...
Imbue Potion Framework - filling the potion

Imbue Potion Framework for U10. This is a structure that allows modders to create potions that can imbue. Installation: Can be installed like any other mod using the mod manager.
Item Activation - special functions

Item Activation(U10). Allows special functions: activate/deactivate model/colliders, activate/deactivate sounds and return thrown objects. To install, go to the folder D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Blade & Sorcery/BladeAndSorcery_Data/StreamingAssets/Mo ...
Item Return Framework

Item Return Framework - U10. Returns your last held weapon back to your hand, hitting and cutting anything in its path when you press or hold the grab button. There is a guide in the description on how to add the script to your own mods.
Auto Imbue Module - filling module

Auto Imbue Module(U9). This is a mod where, when attached to a weapon, you can press the Alt/Spell button to instantly imbue any spell! Fire dagger with automatic enhancement included! ...
Modular Firearms Framework

Modular Firearms Framework (U9.3). This is a universal weapon platform for Blade & Sorcery that supports manual reloading of pistols, shotguns, submachine guns and rifles. There is also support for additional fire attachments, explosives, and NPC wav ...

BetterMods (U9.3). A set of modding tools that provide modders with additional custom events, features, and functionality that make modding easier!
Item Spawner Spell and Framework

Item Spawner Spell and Framework(U9). Create any item you like at any time.
Modular Firearms Framework

Modular Firearms Framework (U9.3). This is a mod that supports manual reloading of pistols, shotguns, submachine guns and rifles. There is also support for additional fire attachments, explosives, and NPC waves. NOTE: This is a basic structure, you w ...
Custom Avatar Framework

Custom Avatar Framework U9.3. Custom avatar structure for custom NPCs.
Weapon editor
The mod adds a small weapon editor to the game, allowing you to customize damage, weapon size and texture along with a number of other features.