Cities: Skylines
Cities: Skylines is a city planning simulator with a developed management system and metropolitan management. As mayor, you'll have to take care of education... Read more
Fine Road Anarchy for version 1.13.0-f7 - add. options for road construction

This mod adds additional options when building a road. - Anarchy (Ctrl + A): When enabled, removes all restrictions such as tilt, height or collisions. - Bend (Ctrl + B): When disabled, the segments will not bend. - Snap (Ctrl+S): When disabled, you ...
Parking Lot Roads for version 1.13.0-f7 - adding parking zones

Adds parking zones of different sizes. To use, the Road Anarchy mod is required and "Move It!" is recommended. and "Traffic Manager" Unzip to C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Assets
25 cells for version 1.13.0-f7

This modification allows you to use all 25 cells of the playing space (100 square kilometers) for construction. The opportunity to buy all cells opens after reaching the last level of development of the city.
Map of the deep archipelago

Deep Archipelago - Map. This mod will add a new large map. It contains: a road, a railway, and ways to connect with the outside world using planes and ships. Also, the map is rich in minerals.
LT's Fused Grid 02

Standard grid pattern, but with median outer roads to further support traffic flow. To make the mesh larger, simply bulldoze the inner mesh and paste it side by side.
PostProcessFX - Multi-platform

It includes additional post-processing effects such as blooms, sunshafts, various anti-aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Open the mod settings panel using F9 Bloom and lensflare Can be fully controlled by the game interface with the followin ...
Mod for removing pollution, corpses, garbage and criminals

Choose whether you want to completely remove any contaminants (soil, water or noise), as well as dead people, trash and crime. Can also maximize urban attractiveness, entertainment and land value. Using the settings panel, you can easily turn on/off ...
Mod for cleaning the dependence of water distribution on pipes

Removes the dependence of water distribution on pipes.
Smart Intersection Builder

The mod allows you to place ready-made intersections and roads on top of existing roads without the need to clear the area first. The old roads will be removed and the edges will be reconnected to the existing road network. The mod menu appears autom ...
Mod removes complete information

Removes unnecessary complete information about the building during its construction.
Unblocking all roads

Unlock all roads at the beginning of the game.
Display information on the loading screen and add new options

This mod displays information on the loading screen and adds new options: Load Used Assets: Automatically loads assets that are used in your city, regardless of whether they are enabled or not. Share textures/materials/meshes: assets from the same au ...
150k at the beginning of the game

Gives 150,000 instead of 70,000 at the beginning of the game.
Ability to see changes in landscape during construction

Allows you to see changes in the landscape during construction. The on/off button is located at the top left.
Disabling heating demand

The mod turns off the need for heating. Well, they have already tortured the brain to compost in 30 degrees of heat :)