Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 10/14/2023]
Functions and commands: Inf Health — endless health; Inf Stamina — endless endurance; Inf Ichor — endless ichor; Inf Item Usage - endless use of items; And other pointers. How to run: Open Cheat Engine; Click Load and sel ...
Trainer (+16) [1.01 - 1.53]
Author: FLiNG Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English/Chinese Number of Functions: 16 Trainer Creation Date: 03/17/2021 Functions: Numpad 1: Immortality Numpad 2: Invincibility / Ignore Damage Numpad 3: Infinite. Energy Numpad ...
Trainer (+8) from 02/26/2021 [WeMod]
Trainer creation/update date: 02/26/2021 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 8 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. It may work on a pirated version of the game. Attention: ...
Nude Mia

Nude Mia. This mod replaces Mia's standard skin with a naked version of her. Includes: two versions of nipples, a version with and without a raincoat. To install, unpack the archive to this path: / CodeVein / Content / Paks / ~ Mod.
Camera top view

This mod changes the camera view to a top view. Return to normal view - N key. Installation: Create a "mods" folder in the path SteamsteamappscommonCODE VEINCodeVeinContentPaks if it is not there. Place the .pak file there
Improved Companions

Partner Enhancement. This mod will enhance your companion's combat power. To install, unzip the file from the archive to this path CODE VEIN/CodeVein/Content/Paks/~mods.
Battle arena

Fight Arena. This mod adds an entire arena where you have to fight waves of different enemies of increasing difficulty. Installation in this path /CODE VEIN/CodeVein/Content/Paks/ Features: - You can enter the map by going to the door at the end o ...
Elegant Mia

Elegant Mia. This mod replaces the clothes: dark Mia, alternate Mia 2, normal Mia and white Mia with a simple but elegant dress. Also, facial features were changed, long hair was added and height was increased. To install, place all files in this pat ...
Two-handed sword from the game "NieR Automata"

NieR Automata BeastLord. Replaces any two-handed weapon of your choice with the BeastLord Greatsword from NieR Automata. To install, place the .pak file in Steam / steamapps / common / CODE VEIN / CodeVein / Content / Paks / ~ mods extract the .pak f ...
Bikini for Mia

Spring Break Mia. This mod adds a new sexy bikini in white and pink colors for Mia. To install, upload the downloaded files from the archive to this path CodeVein/content/Paks/~mods.
Busty Eva

Curvy Eva Another 1. This mod replaces Eva Another 1's alternate outfit. Installation: Place the CurvyEvaAnother1v105_P.pak file in your ~mods folder.
Opportunity to play as Aurora Valentino

Playable Aurora Valentino. Play as Aurora Valentino, owner of the cathedral! The mod is fully compatible with your save file if you play as a woman.
Trainer (+16) [1.01 - 1.51]
Author: FLiNG Edition: Steam Game Version: Latest Trainer Language: English/Chinese Number of Functions: 16 Trainer Creation Date: 04/01/2020 Hotkeys and trainer capabilities: Numpad 1: Immortality Numpad 2: Invincibility / Ignore Damage Num ...
Jack's new costume

Jack's Alternate Outfit - Male Outfit Replacer. This mod replaces Jack's two standard costumes with a trendy gothic outfit. Also included is a hat. Installation: Drop all downloaded .pak files to this path / SteamApps / common / CODE VEIN / CodeV ...
Optimization for very weak PCs

With our modification you can achieve an increase of about + 20 frames per second without significant losses in graphics. The FPS increase was achieved by forcibly disabling many graphic effects that load the video card. Such as: shadows, grass, bl ...