The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the... Read more
Wookie's Tattoo Shop (Now in 4k).
This will be my collection of tattoo mods. From now on, only 4k textures will be loaded.
Body tattoos:
1. Yggdrasil and DNA strand.
2. Collection of black and white tattoos.
3. Satanic themed tattoos for all you evil doers out there.
4. Trash Polka tattoos (4k).
5. Tattoo #2 without chest and stomach. will not be adding pictures.
Face tattoos:
1. Satanic face tattoos (4k) replaces face tattoo 02
2. Moth neck (4k) replaces face tattoo 09
Wookie's Tattoo Shop (Now in 4k).
Это будет моя коллекция модов татуировок. Отныне будет загружаться только 4к текстуры.
Татуировки на теле:
1. Yggdrasil and DNA strand.
2. Collection of black and white tattoos.
3. Satanic themed tattoos for all you evil doers out there.
4. Trash Polka tattoos (4k).
5. Tattoo #2 without chest and stomach. will not be adding pictures.
Татуировки на лице:
1. Satanic face tattoos (4k) replaces face tattoo 02
2. Moth neck (4k) replaces face tattoo 09
Useful links: