The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, based on the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the... Read more
Cyberset - animated glow.
This mod replaces the standard netrunner jumpsuit and glasses with new models with glow animation. To get it, use the console: Game.AddToInventory (Items.TightJumpsuit_01_basic_01, 1) and Game.AddToInventory (Items.Visor_01_basic_01, 1).
Cyberset — animated glow.
Этот мод заменяет стандартный комбинезон и очки нетраннера на новые модели с анимацией свечения. Для получения воспользуйтесь консолью: Game.AddToInventory (Items.TightJumpsuit_01_basic_01, 1) и Game.AddToInventory (Items.Visor_01_basic_01, 1).
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