Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Women's T-shirt Moonlight
www.nexusmods.comDownloadArchive password: vgtimes
Moonlight T-Shirt for female V.
T-shirt with glowing decals. Based on the graffiti Tarot - Moon. Replaces the "Vote for Perales" T-shirt. ID: Game.AddToInventory (Items.SQ012_Shirt_VoteForPeralez, 1)
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Женская футболка Moonlight
Moonlight T-Shirt for female V.
Футболка со светящимися декалями. По мотивам граффити Таро — Луна. Заменяет футболку «Голосуй за Пералес». ID: Game.AddToInventory (Items.SQ012_Shirt_VoteForPeralez, 1)
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