Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, based on the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077, where... Read more
Machanized suit for V
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The mask has two states: open and combat.
To get it you can use the commands:
- Game.AddToInventory("Items.mecha",1)
- Game.AddToInventory("Items.mechamask",1)
- Game.AddToInventory("Items.mechamaskup",1)
The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Маханизированный костюм для Ви
Маска имеет два состояния: открытое и боевое.
Для получения можно использовать команды:
- Game.AddToInventory(«Items.mecha»,1)
- Game.AddToInventory(«Items.mechamask»,1)
- Game.AddToInventory(«Items.mechamaskup»,1)
Useful links: