Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
All endings unlocked

All Endings Unlocked and Dum Dum - Save Files. 2 save files, one before the final mission and the other with Dum Dum at the Maelstrom party. These save files provide a female V with a corporation life path: - Level 50 - Street Creed 50 - 70% pro ...
New game plus with samurai jacket

New Game Plus (Corpo) With Samurai Jacket. Retention for the corporate V female. Only training has been completed. Features: Legendary samurai jacket 1,500,000 money Several improvements Unique costumes that cannot be used in the game
Adam Jensen from the game DeusEx

Adam Jensen From DeusEx Preset and Save Level 50 From Start. In this save, you play as a male V nomad. I made V look as much like Adam Jensen from DeusEx as possible with the default customization options available. You start after completing trainin ...
Save at the beginning of the second act

Act 2 Save File. This is a save file from the beginning of Act 2, level 8, 50 street credits, Akira bike, full Johnny Silverhand. Equipment + pistol, legendary mantis/gorilla weapon, 1,000,000 credits.
Saving before sex with Judy

Sex Now-Lesbian Edition. In this save, Judy allows you to have sex with her after two or three very brief dialogue prompts.
Vivi - 100 percent completion

Vivi The Street Kid (100 Percent Completion). This save represents a 100 percent completion of the game as a female V as a child of the streets. Lots of legendary loot and crafting materials. Installation in this path: C:/Users/(User)/Saved Games/CD ...
Level 50 Nomad

Nomad Save LVL50 (Male V)(Outside Embers). There are almost no side quests in this save. Features: - 130,000 vortices. - Level 50. - Legendary Cyberware updates. - Launch of the Cold Blood / Revolvers build. - Lots of items in the cache. - I bought ...
Legendary Mercenary

Always has been a legend. 3 male V's and 3 female V's with max level, street cred, all perks except the last one in each category. All skill upgrades are at level 1. The main goal is to allow players to enjoy the game as a legendary mercenary in Nigh ...
Completed the story 100 percent

Cyberpunk Savegame story 100 Female Streetkid. I completed the story 100%. I have almost all the cars and a lot of side quests to do. To install, unpack the archive to this path: C: / Users / YOUR NAME / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077.
Legendary corporation

Legendary Corpo (beginning of game). If you've ever wanted to play as a legendary character at the very beginning of the game, this is the save for you. You have legendary funds, stats, equipment, and the whole world is left for you to explore as an ...
Sex scene with Panam Palmer

Panam Sex Save. This is a save that will allow you to watch the sex scene with Panam Palmer without unnecessary actions. Just load up and do your thing. To install, unpack the archive to this path: C: / Users / [PROFILE NAME] / Saved Games / CD Proje ...
Saving at level 50

Level 50 at Start Saves. This save will allow you to start playing with a level 50 character and more points to distribute. Includes male and female versions.
Saving with completed introduction

Starting Save (Female) (Corpo) (Hard Difficulty). Save for those who want to skip the introduction and immediately start the quests. The initial save in the Pickup quest immediately after talking with Dexter DeShone. Features: - Gender female - C ...
Saving with a completely completed game

Game Completed Save (Streetkid) (LVL50) (Male). A save where the game was completed, for those who want to try different endings. This save has 4,000,000 Eddies, many high-level Cyberware upgrades, some legendary weapons, and 43 skill points that are ...
Saving a nomad with maximum leveling

Savegame nomad maxed character male. Place the file in userprofile / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077. Download it. Maximum level of a male character, only training completed. Nomad storyline. 5 million cash.