Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more

C.H.L.O.E. Save file New game +, netrunner, female, child of the streets. Features: - All attributes start with 5. - Start with 75 attribute points (not assigned) - Start with 100 perk points (not assigned) - Start with 100,000 Eddies Items and ...
Saving after a robbery

My Corpo V preset - Post Heist savegame. Saving after the robbery, a lot of money and a lot of clothes bought.
Achievement "Rough Landing"

Rough landing achievement. Two robots are flying right in front of you. Just jump in, activate beserk mode, press R in the air and boom, the achievement is unlocked. Place your save file in this path C:/Users/yourusername/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/C ...
Start of a new game

Character V Male New Game Start. Easy start of a new game. Sandra Dorsett's first rescue mission begins. This character's life path is Nomad.
Saving level 50

Zyphyne Save Game. This is a save that contains the following. 1. The character is like a child of the streets - Man - Level 50 - Street Cred 50 - Money 9999999 2. All skills are level 20 3. All Panam side quests completed 4. Takemura is alive (I de ...
500 legendary items

My preset save files 500 Legendary items. 500 legendary items, female V, all car recipes and much more.
Sex with Judy, Panam, Rogue and Meredith

Judy-Panam-Rogue-Meredith Romance Scenes Savegames. This mod contains saves before sex scenes with Judy, Panam, Rogue and Meredith. To install, unpack the archive to this path: C: / Users /% username% / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077.
Saving (Start of game, 41Lvl + Locations cleared)

Valerie (default appearance). Corporate 41 lvl 50 lvl Reputation. The entire location was cleared, the main quest was not touched. Rare weapons are kept at home in the arsenal. Save path: Drive C - Users - Folder with the name of your computer - ...
Veronica - black woman V

Veronica - Black Female V. This is my black female preset for V, Veronica. Her facial features are more mixed, but I think it's hard to get black characters right in this game.
Street Samurai Plus

Street Samurai NGplus. Trying to balance the Act 1 file right before talking to Dex. Child of the Streets with an emphasis on blades and stealth and a 20 perk points/attribute points version is available for those who want to play differently.
Saving all endings

All endings save game (secret ending included) — Male V. All endings are saved just before selecting, one-shot gear, so you can easily do all the endings yourself. Man V, romance with Panam, child of the streets. Install to this path C:/Users/[your u ...

Urania. She can be cute, but she can also cut off heads and stuff. No, just kidding, she can't be nice. This is a save after the robbery, before meeting Takemura. To install, unpack the archive to this path / SavedGames / Cd Project Red / Cyberpunk 2 ...
Corporate Woman after Prologue

Female CORPO Modded Starter File. Plot choice: pulled the agent out of the field when Harry asked what to do. He doesn't drink in a taxi. Doesn't attack people in the back of Lizze's bar. Refuses to drink with Jackie at the bar. Modified Items: Adde ...
Male nomad after the prologue

Male NOMAD Modded Starter File. Starting save for Cyberpunk 2077 as a male nomad, which begins immediately after the prologue. Story Choices: The decision is made not to shoot when entering the Night City Customs chase if you want a non-lethal playth ...
Save (Start of the game, before talking to Dexter, without cheats)

Backstory of the corporation.. Outwardly, the character was made to look like the trailer V (only his nose was straightened out). The voice and dignity of a man. All of Watson has been cleared from crimes to orders. I didn’t touch the quest with the ...