Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Saving before robbery

Male Corpo Netrunner - Pre-Heist Act 1. Save file for those who want to jump straight into the action when all Aki 1s are completely completed. Installation in this path / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077. Features: - No exploits or c ...
Trophy - "Devil"

Save game to complete trophy -The Devil. This is a save that will help you easily get the trophy - Devil. Features: - For trophies only, just load autosave 5. - Start near Takemura, load manualsave 6 and select the correct dialogue lines with Joh ...
Policeman costume

CORPO NCPD officer save game. -Have you ever wanted to walk around the city as a police officer? Now is your chance to pretend to be one of them. You have almost all the legendary pistols hidden on your wall, except for three, the speaker goes by the ...
Completely completed game as a nomad

Full 100 percent of the game Nomad. 100% game over. All the legendary and rarest clothes, all the weapons, all the equipment, all the missions. Want to see what's in the game after you're done? ...
Achievement "Rough Landing"

Cyberpunk 2077 Rough Landing Achievement. An easy way to get the Rough Landing achievement. 1. Download the save 2. Unzip and copy the ManualSave-112 folder to C:/Users/Username/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077 3. Launch the game and load t ...
Jackie companion

Jackie Companion - Save. Have you ever wanted Jackie to join you on quests in Night City? Well, now he can. Jackie follows you everywhere and takes part in shootouts. A few things I should point out. - I have not completed any side or main quests ...
Game completed 100 percent

100 Street Kid Female save. Completed all missions and all open world activities except 70% of Silver Relationship points.
V - new game plus

Female Nomad (New Game Plus). Start a new game as a nomad. Features: - Street credit for 50. - 5 million whirlpools. - 50 attribute points. - 200 perk points. - Maximum crafting. - Maximum number of components for crafting. - All cars are unlocked ...
V - corporate at the beginning of the second act

Cyberpunk 2077 start at ACT 2 female corpo save file. Save before Act 2 with Johnny's pistol. Features: - Start with Act 2 immediately after Takemura's call - There hasn’t been a single side quest yet - Level 50 - Street credits 50 - All perks are ...
V is a hardcore nomad

V save game character. Game save, V female nomad character ready for hardcore mode. Max level, max reputation, full skill tree, 100,000,000 cash. Total materials for production are 900,000. Completed in only 7 minutes.
Save before the last scene with Judy

Male V - Judy Romance Ending - Cyberpunk 2077. Save file with Judy's romance right before the very last scene of the game, with Judy in your bed. To install, unzip it to userprofile / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077 / and load (autosave ...
Saving before the point of no return

Cyberpunk 2077 end game save file - rich - max level_street cred - all cars. Save before the point of no return, useful for anyone who wants to jump in and get some endings. Features: - Added a lot of money to the character if you need to buy any ...
V Woman with Silverhand Clothes

Female V CORPO starting save with Johnny Silverhands clothes and other items. Retention for female V, corporate path. After the mission Rescue. Installation in this path C:/Users/your username/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077. Yellow sign re ...
V is a child of the streets

Modded Female StreetKid Save. Having saved after the prologue, I haven't met Takemura yet, I've actually been working quite hard trying to cover as much ground as possible to make this save as good as possible. Features: - Level 50 - All attribute ...
Young hooligan

Young Rogue lvl 50 quick hacker. This is a save with a level 50 female V. She has a lot of money and pumped up perks.