Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Man V - new game plus

Male Street Kid (New Game Plus). Start your journey with a broken nose and: - 750k whirlpools. - 50 unallocated attribute points. - 150 unallocated perk points. - 10k crafting components. - All cars are unlocked. - Biker set from screenshots! Instal ...
Man V is a nomad

Male V -Nomad- (Updated). This save file contains two versions: 1.0: (Right after meeting Dexter Dechow in case you're picky about skills, there's probably a lot of useless ones out there or want to play a heist) 1.1: (Before the first meeting in the ...
Nomad V with Johnny Silverhand items

Female V Nomad starting save with Johnny Silverhands clothes and other items. Save before talking to the mechanic at the Yucca Auto Repair. Installation in this path C:/Users/your username/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077. Yellow sign remove ...
Save with all endings

Save for all endings including secret and the devil with default character. Here's a save with all the side quests completed and the required requirement to get any of the endings with the default character appearance, as well as items powerful enoug ...
Corporate woman

Female Corpo (New Game Plus). This is a save that will allow you to start the game with the legendary V. Features: - 5 million dollars - 200 stat points - 400 perk points - Maximum number of components for crafting - Formal set of the legendary co ...
Legendary V in hardcore mode at the beginning of the game

Newly Balanced Hardcore Mode Legendary Character at start of game. Newly balanced legendary character in hardcore mode at the beginning of the game. Bullets deal realistic damage, making you as deadly to your enemies as they are to you. You are also ...
Girl V is a nomad with Johnny clothes

Female V Street Kid starting save with Johnny Silverhands clothes and other items. Save right before meeting the Padres. Installation in this path C: / Users / your username / Saved Games / CD Projekt Red / Cyberpunk 2077. Includes: - Money - Leve ...
Save before the secret ending

Save File for Secret Ending. This is a save file that allows you to complete the secret ending of Cyberpunk 2077. All conditions are met. 70% synchronization with Johnny. Place the extracted folder in C:/Users/userprofile/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/C ...
Max Level Ending

Ending with max level street. This is a save file that is over 100 hours long. Got almost all the iconic weapons and a large amount of money (400k). Every mission is completed, so you can get any ending you want except the Suicide ending. Most of the ...
Nomad after a robbery mission

Nomad Save After the Heist Mission. There was no cheating involved in this save other than using the painting in the Space Oddity mission. This is just a save after the first act of the game. Meredith is in a romantic mood.
Saving after a robbery

Corpo Save After the Heist Mission. This is just a save after the first act of the game. Meredith is in a romantic mood. In this save, you have both the iconic weapon from the heist mission, the car from Cover V, and $2 million, as well as the painti ...
Saving before sex with Judy

Judy Calls. The saved moment right before you-know-what happens to you-know-who. To install, unpack the archive to this path: C:/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077.
Saving before ending

End Game save. All you have to do is enter the battle. Your character is a man, I chose most of the good guy options. You have a ton of weapon upgrades and a ton of cybernetics that you can use. You also have a good amount of money and a nice car, I ...
More than 1000 items of clothing

OVER 1000 Clothing Items on a Brand New Save Plus Much More. This is a save (version 1.5 update) with Asian style V. The game begins in your apartment after you wake up, playing as a corporation. Go into your vault and find over 1000 items (most of t ...
Male V level 30

LVL 30 Male Save File. This is a save in which the author did not use any cheats. V is male and level 30. To install, unpack the archive to this path: C:/Users/%username%/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077.