Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Playing for the Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon. This mod will allow you to play as the iconic US Cracks pop star Blue Moon. Install at this path /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/.
4K face for men

4K Complexions for Male V. This mod aims to replace all five skin colors available for male V in Cyberpunk 2077. The first skin color is an attempt to recreate the look from E3 2019.
Nikita - female preset

Nikita. This mod adds a preset for a female character to the game. To install, you will need the CyberCAT program.
Mystic - female preset

Mystique - Female V Preset. This mod adds a preset for a female character.
Different Panama hairstyles

Panam - Alternate Faces and Hair. This mod gives alternative face and hair options for Panama hats. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077 / archive / pc / mod.
Anders Hellman changes his beard

Anders Hellman beard swaps. Remove/replace Anders Hellman's beard.
Gothic you

kinda gothic V. This mod adds a gothic style preset for V. In the normal version she has a penis, I have uploaded another version of her without a penis for those who are bothered by it.
Faith's hairstyle from the game Mirrors Edge

Mirrors Edge Faith's Hair. This mod adds Faith's hairstyle from the game Mirrors Edge Catalyst. Replaces the hair of the 18th slot.
A preset for you

Raver V Girl Preset. This mod adds a new face preset for female V.
V's male faces in 4K

KEYSUSPECT'S 4k Complexions (MALE). This mod replaces male faces 1-5 with the same models in 4K format.
Panam's face in 4K

4K Detailed Complexion for Panam. Replaces Panam's complexion with an individual author's detailed style (3 options). The normal maps are edited so the light on her skin looks much better. Do not install more than one file at once!
Beautiful V

Prettiest V i have ever made. This is a preset for a female V.
Punk hairstyle

Nerd Punk Hair. Replaces the fancy hairstyle for Eva 06 slot.
Faces in 4K

KEYSUSPECT'S 4k Complexions. This mod replaces face colors 1-5 with high quality 4K textures.
Change your hairstyle for men

Change your hairstyles Man. Hats featuring popular hairstyles that can now be worn as an accessory. Version for men.