Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
V from demo 2018 (model and textures)

E3 V (Mesh Model and Textures). V's original mesh and texture from the E3 2018 Gameplay Showcase were not used in the game files, but have now been restored to their full glory. You can use CyberCat to change all of this. Update: 9.0 - New types o ...
Preset for female V

Cyber Loba 2077 - 4k. 4k textures. Complete replacement of body and head. Powered by TPP and works with all Cyberware Installation: 1 - Unzip 7z and place the .archive files in these folders. If the mod folder does not exist, create it yourself ...
Turquoise preset for V

Turquoise V Preset. This mod adds a new preset for female V to the game. Recommended mods: - Kala's Cyberware Colors And Demo V Texture Edit - Butter My V (25%) - 4k Complexion and Body for Female V - High Bun for V - Kala's Eyes (Hanako Eyes) - ...
Hairstyles collection. Part 2

Hairstyle Collection Vol. II. Added new mixed hairstyles for female V's. All styles replace hair 1.Simply place the file of your chosen hairstyle into your mods folder and enjoy. Current list: Elegant Updo Hair (no physics, not compatible with all ...
Amber - female preset

Amber girl preset (Cybercat optional). New gorgeous female V preset. The file contains a file preset for the CyberCat Save editor. If you don't want to use CyberCat, there is a notepad file with presets.
Hairstyle like Johnny's

V Hairstyle - Silverhand. A modified version of Johnny Silverhand's hairstyle. Can be used in Character Creator for both male and female V's, with color palette compatibility.
Zombie Johnny

Johnny the Corpse Tumor. Johnny looks like he really died.
Nina (CyberCAT preinstallation)

Nina (CyberCAT Preset). This mod adds a female V preset to the game.
Madam, you are a preset

Madam V - A CyberCat Preset. The female V preset also looks like someone who was definitely once a corporatist.
Dragon Agape instead of you

Agape Dragon Swap for V. This is a full body replacement, so there is no separate clothing for V. Powered by TPP and works with all Cyberware. Installation at this path/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Several hair colors

MayLin's custom hair colors for V. Just some hair colors I made for Anders that I will also make available for V. This will affect NPCs with the same hair color (Viola, Anders Hellman, etc.). Installation at this path/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Anders Hellman's hairstyles

Anders Hellman hair variants. Give Anders different hair colors, including original and custom ones. Installation at this path/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Terminator 2077

Terminator 2077. This mod replaces V with the Terminator from the movie of the same name. The set includes three options: human, damaged human, cyborg. Installation at this path/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Invisible armor

Invisible Clothes Armor. This mod changes clothing to an invisible mesh, allowing armor to scale and update correctly. Includes women's and men's versions. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Transparent holographic suit

Holo Bitch (femme V outfit). Another slutty outfit. To add clothes to inventory: - Coat - Fairy Frost Trench with Protective Mesh - Game.AddToInventory("Items.Coat_04_rich_01", 1) - Stockings - Sports shorts with polyamide lining Green Power - Ga ...