Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Realistic shootouts

Realistic Combat Overhaul. This mod is designed to give you the need to upgrade your weapons and wear viable armor throughout your playthrough, turning the game from a looter shooter into a hardcore RPG.
Automatic loot collection

AlmostAutoLoot. Collect everything within your sight with the touch of a button. Can also be used to retrieve items stuck in the ground. Also includes 360 mode. How to use: - After installing the mod, set the key using the CET hotkeys tab. - Pres ...
Mass craft

Bulk Craft. Create many items in one click! No longer hold down the craft button to craft one at a time.
Limited fast travel

Limited Fast Travel. Reduces the number of active fast travel terminals, configurable. It is also possible to completely disable all fast travel points. To configure, edit the file Cyberpunk 2077 /r6/scripts/limitedFastTravel.reds
Working as a delivery driver

CyberTrucking World. Have you ever wanted to become a delivery driver in the future? So, CyberTrucking World allows you to become a delivery driver. Increase your rating, earn money, rent new cars for work, invest in the stock market and even play th ...
Fast travel

Fast Travel From Anywhere 2 Anywhere. A simple redscript mod that allows you to quickly move from anywhere to any marker/point on the map. Unpack to this path /r6/bin.
Automatic weapon and armor upgrades

Auto Scaling Weapons and Armor. Automatically scales all weapons and armor currently equipped and in your inventory according to your level.
Murder streak

Killstreaks. This is a small mod that displays a small text with statistics after committing a quick kill.
No cyberware requirements

No Cyberware Requirements. Removes all attribute requirements for all cyberware in the game.
Wear what you want

Wear What You Want. This mod allows you to do two things: remove mods so they can be used elsewhere, and change the rarity of armor and weapons by adding mod slots to them. Very useful if you don't invest in tech/crafting.
Mastery levels correspond to attribute levels

Proficiency Levels Keeps Up with Attribute Level. When increasing an attribute level, all skills in that attribute increase to the current attribute level. Once you load the game, all your skill levels will be synced with your current attribute level ...
Sale of stolen cars

BMYC - A car theft mod. Find one of 30+ car models and drive them to a random location to earn some whirlpools and rare items. You can find your mission location in a variety of ways: either using the good old compass, or simply turning on the marker ...
Setting up the first person camera

Weapon FOV Mod. Customize weapons, vehicles, and world camera/field of view positions. All user settings are saved in the db.sqlite3 file, which is automatically created by Cyber Engine Tweaks. If you want to delete all camera settings, simply dele ...

THE TERMINATOR. Game mode with customizable interface. You play as an invulnerable car. Random spawn positions for "John Connor" in North Carolina, target location will change every NN minutes. Features: - Updated HUD elements. You can switch betw ...
Setting the visibility of loot markers

Loot Markers Visibility. Allows you to customize the visibility of loot markers for each item rarity type. How to configure: Open r6/scripts/hideLootMarkers.reds using Notepad or Notepad++ and change the configuration section variables as you wish ...