Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
F key instead of E

Just Swap F to E. The name speaks for itself. Every use of F is replaced by E, and vice versa. To install, simply drag the r6 folder from the archive into the Cyberpunk 2077 directory.
Gravity change

GravityTweaker. This mod allows you to control (the player's) gravity. Also includes an anti-damage switch. What it does: - Allows players to change gravity with a simple slider - Higher value = less gravity -> Climb - Lower value = more gravit ...
Various police cars

Police Chases - Vehicles. This mod allows the police to use a random police car (4 motorcycles, 3 cars).
Realistic stealth

Sneak. This mod changes the stealth system. Features: - by default you are harder to detect - enemies who know about you will notice you easier - stealth makes it difficult to detect - camera and drone detection unchanged - moving in front of gla ...
Increased police force

Enhanced Police. This mod adds the ability to be chased by various police cars. It will take effect automatically when you commit a crime and gain experience. Cop spawn locations have also been reworked, removing them based on your threat level.
Remote control of transport

Hack Vehicles Like Watch Dogs. This is a script I make using CET, with it you can hack vehicles to move forward, backward, right or left. To use it you need to bind hotkeys: Up = up arrow Down = down arrow Enter = input
Flying low

Low Flying V. Activates flight after Kerenzikov's dash. Kerenzikov's Dash is an exploit that causes the player to move at warp speed. But you should try to stay in the air because contact with the ground will slow you down. This mod can be considered ...
Skills always gain experience

Skills Always Gain XP. This allows you to continue gaining skills even if you haven't leveled up the base attribute. How to install the mod: Unpack to the Cyberpunk 2077 directory (REDprelauncher.exe is located in this directory) The script direct ...
Save anytime

You CAN Save Right Now. This is a simple mod that allows you to save at any time. To install, use the Redscript editor.
Night City Explosion

Nuke NightCity. Press one key and the entire Night City will fly into the air. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077 /bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods.
Fast protocol hacking

Big Brain Breach Protocol. This allows you to complete protocol hacking mini-games in 1 click. Also allows you to set up mining notifications. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077/r6/scripts/BreachProtocol_Minigame/minigame.reds.
Improved vehicle handling

Vehicle Handling. Changes the handling of cars and motorcycles in general, including surface types.
Roulette with weapons

Weapon Roulette. The goal of the mod is to make battles more exciting and unpredictable. The constantly changing weapons will keep you on your toes and force you to approach each encounter differently. Adjust the timer settings and customize the char ...
Police motorcycle chases

Police Motorcycle Chases. Allows police to appear on motorcycles. The chase AI handles motorcycles much better than cars, making the chases more interesting. How to install 1 Download v0.1.5 or newer version of redscript and extract it to the game ...
Fly like a bird

Fly Like An Albatross. Proof of concept - you can endlessly push yourself upward. In the game, this is similar to the ability to jump endlessly while running at normal speed.