Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Simple walking

Walk. Allows you to walk. To install, make a backup copy of the file you are replacing and unpack the archive to this path / Cyberpunk 2077 / r6 / config /
Purchase and use

Use Items From Vendors. Adds a new button to the vendor menu that allows players to purchase an item and use it immediately. No more buying supplies and looking for them in your backpack!
Purchasing perks

BUY Attribute-Perk CAP. Allows you to purchase attribute points/perks. You can customize it as you wish: - Required level: default 50 (level required to use the mod) - Price of one benefit: default 25000 - Attribute price: default 85000 Inst ...
Level scaling and balance

Level Scaling and Balance. Separate patch files to 1) add proper level scaling and 2) increase NPC health. I find the game too easy even on "very hard" mode, so I figured out how to change that. There are currently two files that change different val ...
Prices from suppliers

Vendor Prices. Reduces the purchase price and increases the selling price. Features: - Legendary items are a little more expensive - Epic, more expensive to match between rare and legendary Installation: Place the archive file in the archive/pc ...
ComBot mode

ComBot Mode. This is a game mode similar to Arena (or Riot mode), with an infinite number of enemies spawning every XX seconds. Installation: - Unpack the archive and move the mod to bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods - Open CET and configur ...
Teleport forward

Ghost Forward. Press the button to teleport forward a little. You can jump over walls, doors, etc. There is also a button to move the camera forward so you can look behind walls before you jump. Installation in this path C:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/com ...
Hack everyone

Hack Everyone. Quick hack for every NPC in Night City. To use the mod, simply look at any NPC with your scanner, as you usually do with QuickHackable NPCs, like gangsters. By default, civilians don't have a registered HUD, and I haven't yet found a w ...
All trophies are legendary

All Drops Legendary. Here's a mod that changes all loot (excluding medicines, junk items, and quality consumables) to spawn as legendary items. Be it loot from bodies or containers. Installation: Copy basegame_allDropsLegendary.archive to /archive/pc ...
Summon Basilisk

Call For Help - Basilisk. Summons a basilisk with the press of a key when you need help. Installation: - Install and configure Cyber Engine Tweaks - Install this mod - In-game: open the Cyber Engine console -> Hotkeys -> Bind this mod to a ke ...
No more cops

No More Cops. Launch the Crime Prevention System. When triggered, the police will not appear if you commit a crime. The cops will never attack you, even if you attack them first. The guards will still attack you if you run into them. No more wanted s ...
Tetris on slot machines

TetrisArcade. Allows you to play Tetris on arcade machines and even allows you to earn money from it. How to use: - First set your keyboard shortcuts in the new CET hotkeys tab - Walk up to any of the arcade machines in the game world until you s ...
Refined gorilla hands

Subtle Gorilla Arms. Replaces the Gorilla hand model with a regular hand model for a more sophisticated appearance. Main files: SubtleGorillaArms_Both - includes both left and right natural hands SubtleGorillaArms_Left - includes only the left na ...
Improved first person view

Better First Person Perspective. Moves the first person camera to a better perspective, allowing you to look down and admire the natural qualities of your female character.