Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
2018 trailer style map icons

Clean 2018 Icons - Map Marker Replacer. This mod changes many of the map marker icons to match the style used in the 48-minute 2018 gameplay. When using this mod, you will not be able to determine the type of concert or NCPD scanner operation by the ...
Disable quest tracking

Untrack Quest or Job with a Button Key Press and Automatically Track Again when needed (Disable Tracking). This mod allows you to disable quest tracking with the click of a button. Opening any type of menu will automatically turn on the tracker, but ...
Corporate HUD

Spicy HUDs - Corpo HUD. Re-incorporates most of the corporate HUD from the corporation's entry. To enable corporate hud toggle, you must go to CET overlay, then "key bindings" and assign the key to Corpo Hud.
Hide known characteristics

Hide Known Specs. Modifies supplier item lists to hide crafting specs you already have.
Minimal white interface

Superior UI - Minimal White UI and World Map Recolor. A larger-than-normal recolor with a reshaped UI and a recolored 3D world map. Most UI elements have been recolored to a simpler white-on-black scheme, and many UI shapes have been redesigned to fi ...
New hack screen color

Hack recolor. Changes the color of the hack screen. Can be used with the Spicy Clean Hack Screen mod (clean green version) if you want to remove the vignette and some other things. Can be installed by moving the selected archive to Cyberpunk 2077/arc ...
Moving the minimap

Mild Minimal HUD — Spicy HUDs (moved minimap). Moves the minimap and removes some useless hud elements.
Hiding map markers

Declutter WorldMap. Allows you to set the visibility for each type of world map marker separately, and also has the ability to hide all markers associated with quests to buy vehicles. Default settings: - Visible markers: concerts, clothes, JoyToy, ...
Improved inventory

Improved Inventory. Faster inventory. Eliminates most delays. Installation at this path /Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config/
Small GPS

Minimal GPS. Just my own GPS that I used. Installation at this path / Cyberpunk 2077 / archive / pc / patch.

NC Wayfinder. This is a mod with a visual compass with the function of dividing the game position. It will display the direction you are facing with a visual compass, cardinal directions and degrees, as well as your current position in the world. Whe ...
Disabling the speedometer

No more UI Speedometer. This mod removes the small artificial UI speedometer. Installation at this path: cyberpunk/archive/pc/patch.

Compass. This mod adds a digital compass to the top middle of your HUD. This is useful if you don't have an in-game compass due to a minimap modification, or if you just want a more visible compass.
“Sort up trash” button

Trash Be Gone - Disassemble All Trash Button. Adds a handy “Scavenge” button to the backpack inventory menu if there is trash in it. Click to clear all the junk in your inventory.
New logo for the main menu

Main Menu Logo v1.0. Changes the appearance of the main menu. The archive contains 1 edited game file, but without scripts or anything else. Installation: Drag the archive file into the archive/pc/patch folder.