Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Netrunner Suit

8ug8ear's Netrunner Suit. Just a quick file replacement. The 8ug8ear netrunner costume now replaces the female V netrunner costume.
Open back dress

Backless Dress. Replaces the witcher's jacket with a tight red dress. Since it replaces a jacket and not a dress, your character should not be wearing any other clothing. (If your V is transgender and your underwear is removed, there will be a glitch ...
Lots of new clothes

Set swap library. This mod adds a set of new clothes for female V. Installation: Steam: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch GOG: /GOGLibrary/Games/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch Epic: /EpicLibrary/Cyberpunk 2077/arch ...
Johnny trousers and vest

Change Johnny pants and vest. Johnny's sexy pants and vest. Just use CP77 Tool to modify the .mesh file. Installation: 1 Download and extract the mod 2 Drag the archive folder to the root folder of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, where you already have a ...
Nipple patches

Sexy Female V Nipple Band Aides. Replaces the bra with patches that cover the nipples. To install, drag the archive folder to the root folder of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, where you already have an archive folder.
Men's thongs

Sexy Male V Panties. Replacing V's ugly boxers with sexy new stripper panties. To install, drag the archive folder to the root folder of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, where you already have an archive folder.
All Alt Cunningham clothing

Legends of NC - Alt Cunningham. Replaces Johnny's jacket, shirt, pants and boots with Alt. Installation: Unpack all files to this path: Steam: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch GOG: /GOGLibrary/Games/Cyberpunk 2077/ ...
Akira's Pill Jacket

Akira Good for Health Bad for Education. Changes the samurai jacket to Akira's Pill logo. To install, unpack the archive to this path / SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Cyberpunk 2077 / archive / pc / patch.
All shorts

RNG-begone -- All Hotpants. Sometimes all you need is an ass. Add all kinds of shorts to your inventory using the console command. Installation: Extract hotpants.lua to bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods. How to use: 1 Launch the console ...
All jackets

RNG-begone -- All Jackets. Add all kinds of jackets to your inventory using the console command. Installation: 1 There are 6 files separating different types of jackets, for example fields.lua (for field jackets), bombers.lua (for bombers) and bi ...
All vests

RNG-begone -- All Vests. Add all kinds of vests to your inventory using the console command. Installation: 1 There are 10 files separating different types of vests, for example, bikers.lua (for biker vests), ballistics.lua (for ballistic vests) an ...
All T-shirts and bras

RNG-begone -- All Tank Tops and Bras. Add all tank tops and bras to your inventory using the console command. Installation: 1 There are two files: bras.lua (for bras) and tanks.lua (for T-shirts). 2 Extract .lua to bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_twe ...
All clothes

Female V wardrobe. My saved game with the maximum slot for all in-game outfits. For content creators who want to dress up and create content with a variety of fashion items. Weapons in the Javelina chest.
Stylish clothes

Classy life. Do you want to offer your V the most stylish clothes? Installation at this path /Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods. To activate, press the ~ key in the game and enter dofile (classybasic.lua).
Holographic hand of Johnny Silverhand

Johnny Silverhand's Holographic Arm. Lua script to add Johnny Silverhand's secret holographic hand to your inventory. How to install: - Extract the Johnny Silverhand's Holo Arm.7z file using 7Zip and inside the extracted folder there will be a sil ...