Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
E3 2018 Main Menu Theme

Cyberpunk 2077 E3 2018 Trailer - Main Menu Theme. Replaces the original main menu theme with the E3 2018 theme. Install at this path /Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod.
Spacesuit for Johnny

A Spacesuit for Johnny. This mod contains two archive files - both can be installed at the same time. - Johnny's spacesuit - Spacesuit for V
Resetting Tabula e-Rasa attributes

Tabula e-Rasa Resets Attributes. A very simple mod. Causes Tabula e-Rasa to reset attributes as well as privileges. Rewards for skill development are not reset.
Panam's face in 4K

4K Detailed Complexion for Panam. Replaces Panam's complexion with an individual author's detailed style (3 options). The normal maps are edited so the light on her skin looks much better. Do not install more than one file at once!
Beautiful V

Prettiest V i have ever made. This is a preset for a female V.
Improved hacking

Better Netrunning - Hacking Reworked. Makes netrunner gameplay more difficult, preventing quick hacks until the network is compromised. Major changes: - Disables quickhacks by default. To unlock them, you must perform a hacking protocol on a devic ...
Punk hairstyle

Nerd Punk Hair. Replaces the fancy hairstyle for Eva 06 slot.
Police uniform

police uniform. I've always wanted to wear a police uniform with a belt and a hat. The only problem with wearing a hat is that it makes you go bald. And you can't see the badge in first person, but you can see the belt and shirt.
Faces in 4K

KEYSUSPECT'S 4k Complexions. This mod replaces face colors 1-5 with high quality 4K textures.
Naked Rhino

Rhino Nude. Rhinoceros. Nude. Please! Also, don't pay attention to the thong, it's only in the screenshots.
Change your hairstyle for men

Change your hairstyles Man. Hats featuring popular hairstyles that can now be worn as an accessory. Version for men.
Police badge and belt

NCPD Gear. With this mod you will have a police badge and belt on any equipment. Item codes: for icon: Game.AddToInventory("Items.Glasses_01_basic_01", 1) for the belt: Game.AddToInventory("Items.Vest_04_basic_02", 1)
Change your hairstyles

Change your hairstyles. The author replaced several hats with popular hairstyles that can now be worn as an accessory. Installation: Place Cyberpunk 2077 files in /archive/pc/patch.
Realistic crowd scanner

Kiroshi Opticals - Crowd Scanner. Creates a unique backstory for each scanned NPC. Procedurally generates a background based on the NPC's appearance/gender. The NPC's background is displayed in a new section on the scanner panel!
Modular earrings

Modular Jewelry Collection - Earrings. This mod replaces any face item for female V. Up to three earring models. You can choose which face item to replace and mix earrings using 3 slots, each of which fits one model. You can't use different combinati ...