Cyberpunk 2077
The game from CD Projekt RED, the creators of The Witcher, inspired by the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith. The player is sent to the year 2077... Read more
Removing distant machines

Hide Distant 2D Cars. This mod hides remote 2D car LODs. To install, drag the archive folder into your Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder.
Controlled scooter

Drivable Mobility Scooter. Replaces maimai with a mobility scooter. Watch the shadow of the box below you to avoid breaking. This is a mobility scooter that can go up to 100 miles per hour.
Change your favorite cars

Change Your Favorite Cars. Changes the appearance (repainting) of the player's cars and replaces some models with others present in the game world. To install, unpack the archive(s), select the folder with the car appearance you want, open it, copy t ...
Updated motorcycles

Change Your Favorite Motorcycles. Includes skin changes and model replacements for the ARCH Nazaré, Brennan Apollo and Yaiba Kusanagi CT3-H. Installation at this path /Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch.
Yaiba Kusanagi - black and red

Yaiba Kusanagi - Black and Red. New colors for Yaiba Kusanagi's motorcycle. Installation: Steam: /SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch GOG: /GOGLibrary/Games/Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/patch Epic: /EpicLibrary/Cyberpunk ...
Fast and comfortable means of transport

Faster and Better Handling Vehicles. Improves vehicle handling and increases top speed. The increased top speed depends on whether the vehicle has limited power or gearing. Install this path Cyberpunk 2077/engine/config/platform/pc.
Various coloring pages for Johnny's Porsche

Porsche Paintjobs. This mod provides 5 paint jobs for the Porsche 911 Turbo. Black (with or without stickers) Blue (with or without stickers) Red (with or without stickers) Green (with or without stickers) Yellow (with or without stickers) To insta ...
Jackie's motorcycle tuning

Tune-up Jackie's Arch Bike. A simple .lua script that allows you to change the base version of Jackie's motorcycle to a customized version with one line of code. Installation: Unpack tune_bike.lua into bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods. ...
All rare cars

All rare vehicles. Script for adding secret vehicles to the garage. Installation: Extract the files into the cyberenginetweaks mods folder, in your game folder: (create folders named mods if they don't exist) Activate the mod: - In your game (lo ...
All cars are in the garage

AllPlayerVehicles. This mod adds all unlockable cars to the players' garage. This mod can be used early in the game, but I haven't tested it throughout the game to make sure it doesn't break the game. Installation: - Open the console (usually pres ...
Quadra Type-66 Cthulhu in your garage

Add The Quadra Type 66 Cthulhu To Your Garage. Lua script to add the "Quadra Type-66 Cthulhu" car to your garage. How to install: - Extract the Quadra Type-66 Cthulhu.7z file using 7Zip and inside the extracted folder there will be a cthulhu.lua f ...
Improved Control

Drive It Like You Stole It. Vehicles respond better to steering inputs and no longer feel as if they are on ice, and are generally easier to control. Motorcycles don't bounce in the air as much. I also increased the speed of movement.
Photorealistic colors

Photorealistic Reshade. This mod improves: colors, shadows, tone mapping and sharpness. No extra settings, just improves already excellent graphics.